All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 183
EMRA to host strawberry walk
East Malling Research and the HDC are to hold their annual Strawberry Walk on June 18.
Dow prepares its case over Telone II
Dow Agrosciences is preparing to present its case to Europe over Telone II.
How to succeed online
One year on from the launch of the campaign, site editor Kate Shanahan of Sputnik Communications and North Laine Solutions’ md Ben Ferns report on its progress and outline their tips for creating a successful horticultural website.
Carrots surge ahead
UK carrot growers have been working together to ensure that the consumers of tomorrow continue to buy and enjoy the vegetable. Commercial Grower looks at the latest initiatives in place to engage the public’s imagination.
Man for all seasons
Nigel Judd, a well-known and much respected name in ornamental horticulture, tells Angela Youngman about how he came into the industry, his thoughts on the sector, and what he does to unwind.
Strong support for Sutton Bridge development plan
“Storage-related research facilities must remain cutting edge.” - Adrian Cunnington
Good move for organics
The development of the Organic Growers Alliance could be good news for producers of organic horticultural crops. Created
Sclerotinia battle boost
The blight fungicide Shirlan is also highly effective against Sclerotinia when used during mid-season canopy complete applications, according to manufacturers Syngenta.
Top fruit residue reduction hope
Tackling codling moth with a heightened dose of a naturally occurring viral infection is set to become standard practice in apple orchards, as part of the industry’s efforts to reduce residues, according to an industry expert.
Greenvale goes local
Greenvale AP will see its first crops of Ayrshire and East Lothian new season potatoes delivered direct to local Tesco stores
North east biofuel hope
The Biofuels industry could be worth £1 billion to the north east economy by 2027, according to a new strategy.
S&N goes pear shaped
Brewing giant Scottish & Newcastle, may be about to launch two new pear ciders within the year.
Nominations sought for potato award
The British Potato Council (BPC) is seeking nominations for this year's British Potato Industry Award.
Farm audit reduction hope
A new initiative is being touted as a possible solution to the problem of duplication within audit schemes.
On track for skin spot kit
Significant progress has been made in the quest for a diagnostic kit to test potatoes for skin spot, the BPC has reported.
Yorkshire Show 2.0
The Yorkshire Agricultural Society has won a major award for its Great Yorkshire Show website in the Yorkshire Digital Awards.
North east backs farmers
Country dwellers throughout the north east value the work of their farmers, according to a new survey by the NFU.
STC takes new crop protection approach
Research now being carried out at Yorkshire’s Stockbridge Technology Centre (STC) is exploring how growers can harness the power of insects to reduce levels of pesticide use.
The last true market
UK new potato production has enjoyed near perfect conditions this season but, with the 2006 crop and imports still not cleared, and the Jersey offer in for a drawn-out season, UK growers are nervous about how the market will work out. Anna Sbuttoni reports.