All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 156
Scotherbs rewards schoolchildren
Perthshire growers Scotherbs have rewarded primary school children in the area for their work to promote the benefits of herbs by donating a new picnic table.
BASF calls for continued innovation
BASF’s Agricultural Products division head, Michael Heinz, has said that the ever-increasing demands upon growers and farmers has meant that there is a constant call for innovative crop protection active ingredients.
ADAS events to examine NVZ implications
ADAS has announced that it will launch a series of events for growers and their associates to examine the new NVZ proposals.
Fresca plans glass revolution
A major new glasshouse development has been unveiled that will radically increase the UK production capacity for UK salads.
Apple approach confuses the issue
Someone I know well likes to say that “confused people cause confusion”, a truism that sprang to mind this week on
Using our oars to best effect
Proof positive that the horticulture industry is still moving into fewer and larger hands is exemplified by several of the
Yorkshire PCT takes the lead on obesity
To maximise promotion of healthy eating messages, the East Riding of Yorkshire Primary Care Trust (PCT) publicises 5 A DAY
Take a maple leaf out of Canada’s book
Having recently returned from a break in Canada, I felt compelled to focus this month’s column on applauding the
Onions yield to rain
As any allium producer will tell you, onions like plenty of sun. Unfortunately, Mother Nature has been in a contrary mood this year and growers have endured anything but perfect conditions. Doris Lee Butterworth finds out more
Pushing more production overseas is not the answer
In the Crop Protection Association’s penultimate article on changes to pesticide legislation, Italian farmer Alessandro Dalpiaz, expresses his fear that restricting the range of plant protection products available to European growers could open the door to more imports, which in turn may have a detrimental impact on the environment of Europe and the health of its citizens
Carbon footprinting results unveiled
The International Organisation of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) has unveiled some initial results from a study of carbon footprinting in the ornamentals sector.
NFU toasts Year of Food and Farming
The Year of Food and Farming is a ‘breath of fresh air that can reinvigorate the knowledge, health and well-being of England’s school children’, an NFU leader has said.
Kids urged to Skip2BFit
A fitness initiative which encourages school children to exercise and teaches them importance of a healthy diet will receive a boost as BerryWorld and its blueberry grower Winterwood sponsor its free berries.
Marshalls and Produce World merger nears
Produce World and Marshalls have confirmed they are in merger talks, with any potential deal subject to a successful conclusion to negotiations and contracts.
HDC to move to Stoneleigh
The HDC will be relocated to Stoneleigh in Warwickshire to take its place as part of the newly christened Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, Defra has announced.
Machinery gears up
New machines that boost efficiency and reduce labour costs are a welcome addition to the equipment available for vegetable and salad crop production. Mike Williams looks at some of the recent arrivals.
HTA secures Seeda project funding
The HTA is working up five significant projects with Seeda (the Regional Development Agency for the South East) to benefit growers in the south east.
Insurance warning for growers
A countryside insurance broker has advised that growers’ insurance policies may not cover them sufficiently after increases in agricultural commodity prices.
Directing the show
John Davies explains the law relating to company directors, where a legal minefield awaits the unaware.
Fruit weathers the storms
Developments in the fruit sector have moved quickly this year, with weather problems being a major issue to contend with. David Shapley reviews the soft and stone fruit seasaon so far, and evaluates what can be expected from the top fruit crop.