All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 110

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    Innovation aplenty to bridge Halloween-Christmas gap


    I suppose it all started with sweetcorn cobs, but it seems that twin packs are coming into fashion. Tesco has come up with a

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    Sarkozy clarity a change from norm


    A personality like Nicolas Sarkozy, the president of the French Republic, incites a reaction in everyone, whether good or bad.

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    Net gains on baby leaf beasties


    By Hazeldene agronomist and technical director Simon Hendry

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    Valefresco builds on salad strengths


    Valefresco has capitalised on its position at the heart of the fertile growing region of Evesham and seen considerable growth of late. Joe Pilade, director of business development, tells Alex Lawson how winning the Salad Grower of the Year gong earlier in the year is recognition of the firm’s strong position in the sector

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    One idea that is not off the rails


    The new rail link between Valencia and Dagenham that opened for business last week is definitely a step in the right direction

  • Israel’s winter warmers

    Israel’s winter warmers


    Many Israeli producers are increasing their export volumes this season and are hoping that the weak sterling will not dampen prospects. Doris Lee Butterworth reports

  • Into the Garden

    Into the Garden


    On the eve of a massive regeneration 35 years on from moving to the south London site, New Covent Garden Market (NCGM) is full of both promise and speculation. Elizabeth O’Keefe takes in the atmosphere at one of the UK’s largest fruit and vegetable wholesale markets

  • English campaign boosts category after flat summer

    English campaign boosts category after flat summer


    With the top-fruit category coming back to the fore after a particularly flat summer, businesses in the sector will be looking to capitalise on an increase in consumption and a high-quality season for English fruit. Alex Lawson reports

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    Packhouse and online developments ramp up


    Potato supplier Branston Ltd is introducing Anglia Business Solutions’ LINKFresh 2 package at three of its sites in this month’s IT round-up. Meanwhile, The Greenery BV has a new online presence in the UK, Decofrut is launching a new system for its UK clients and packhouse specialist Marco is making new inroads in the US market

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    DEFRA project can only skim surface


    Mighty oaks from little acorns grow, as the old saying goes. However, while everyone will probably wish them well, the newly

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    Fruit show yields seeds of optimism


    It was really encouraging to visit the National Fruit Show last week and pick up on a very positive vibe among exhibitors and

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    Autumnal feel hits aisles as temperatures take a plunge


    Fuelled by the arrival of the National Fruit Show this week, it’s a reasonable bet that once again the national media

  • Citrus market flat before Spanish supply gets moving

    Citrus market flat before Spanish supply gets moving


    The crossover from southern to northern hemisphere supply is expected to work out well, to boost what has been a relatively flat market for citrus over the last three months. But how will the run-up to Christmas play out? Anna Sbuttoni reports

  • The Italian job

    The Italian job


    Italian production of table grapes is concentrated in the southern region of Apulia, around Bari and Taranto. Here, growers and exporters - many of which go back generations - are raising their game and adapting their offer to open up new markets. Anna Sbuttoni visited the area to find out where the UK fits in

  • Riding the storm

    Riding the storm


    Having suffered poor returns, quality issues and high production costs, the Canary Islands salad industry has endured a challenging couple of years, to say the least. Many fear that this coming season will either make or break the industry. Elizabeth O’Keefe reports

  • Connecting the dots

    Connecting the dots


    When Danny Murphy started work as a porter on Old Covent Garden Market, it is unlikely he imagined that the market would move across town to Vauxhall, let alone that he would set up a company so successful as to win multiple Re:fresh awards. Alex Lawson headed to New Covent Garden Market (NCGM) to find out how Chef’s Connection has done it

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    Tesco BOGOFL move is double-edged sword


    Tesco’s unveiling of its “buy one get one free - later” (BOGOFL) deal has certainly raised a few eyebrows

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    Question mark over competition


    It’s not surprising that Tesco is reported to be angered by the Competition Commission’s demands that large

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    We must not forget young talent


    Tesco and Asda have waded into political territory this week with their double commitment to employ young British people and