All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 108

  • Salad industry celebrates good year for salads

    Salad industry celebrates good year for salads


    The salad industry is in fine spirits, with a good year under its belt after two seasons of heartbreak. As UK supply moves nearly exclusively to the Spanish offer, Elizabeth O’Keefe looks back at the English season and forward to winter supply

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    Seasonality greetings


    Father Christmases of various shapes and sizes are beginning to make their annual appearance everywhere, hanging from lamp

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    Another year under the belt


    As the end of 2009 looms and the industry strides through its busiest period, we are mindful that the last 12 months have seen

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    WUWM marks long-awaited approval


    By Maria Cavit, WUWM secretary general

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    Turn proposals into plans


    The news this week that the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games’ Food Vision report has neglected the fresh

  • Bold as broccoli

    Bold as broccoli


    Popular with growers and consumers alike, the broccoli crop has become the main brassica offer in the UK regardless of the time of year. But as we move into Spanish winter supply, will plans to increase domestic consumption in Spain affect exports to the UK? Elizabeth O’Keefe reports from the main broccoli-producing region, Murcia, at the Sakata Broccoli Conference

  • Early grape success

    Early grape success


    Growers and shippers from South Africa and Namibia are pleased with the good start to this year’s grape harvest. Favourable growing conditions and a market short of supply prior to Christmas have seen an increase in airfreighting of the earliest grapes and growers are receiving very good prices for this first fruit of the season. Louise Brodie reports from South Africa

  • Glasgow galvanised

    Glasgow galvanised


    Glasgow’s wholesale market is set for a £6.5 million revamp next year to reinforce its position at the heart of fresh produce trade in Scotland and give tenants a platform on which to build their businesses. At the centre of the country’s second city, the traders are waiting to see what will come of the much-needed makeover and are gearing up to make the most of the long-term opportunities coming their way. Anna Sbuttoni reports

  • Organics firms take optimistic stance for the future

    Organics firms take optimistic stance for the future


    It has been a busy three months for the organics sector, with the Soil Association launching into the food security debate with gusto and the ongoing question around the category’s future in terms of sales still throwing up a lively debate. Laura Gould reports

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    Christmas comes early in the supermarket aisles


    There is plenty of evidence on the retail shelves this week that winter has arrived and that Christmas is not far

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    Christmas is a time for giving


    Another year is coming to an end and, in these special times before celebrating Christmas and New Year with family and

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    Madderson reflects on shipping career


    Brian Madderson retired as managing director of Port of Dover shipping specialist George Hammond at the end of October. On November 1, he launched himself into a consultancy role for the firm and a brand-new position as chairman of the UK Independent Petrol Retailers’ Association. He spoke to Laura Gould about his 20 years in the business

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    Striking the right balance in crop protection


    By Hazeldene agronomist and technical director Simon Hendry

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    Wholesalers must embrace change


    It is refreshing to see that traders at Glasgow wholesale market have responded in a largely positive manner to the £6.5

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    Wake up and smell the research


    This week’s news that Warwick HRI is to close its doors by 2012 is sad, but it hardly comes as a great surprise given

  • Morocco in growth mode

    Morocco in growth mode


    When the Moroccan government unveiled ambitious plans last month to double the country’s agricultural output by 2020, the move was clearly indicative of an industry that has secured a strong following in export markets and carved a niche for itself as a key source of fresh produce during the winter months. Laura Gould reports

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    New Survey Highlights ERP Success Factors


    This month, David Hurley, managing director of Anglia Business Solutions, outlines the results of a recent survey that put the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in the fresh produce sector into context. Fresh produce firms are starting to take advantage of the trend for industry-specific software

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    Squaring the circle on consumption


    The one thing I would like to make clear, on a subject that is bound to maintain the attention span of the industry over the

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    Banana battles as prices are slashed and deals are broken


    Plentiful supply for importers told only half the story in the category this quarter, as a supermarket pricing spat and the proposed end to the EU’s long-running trade negotiations dominated the headlines in the UK and abroad. Alex Lawson reports

  • A determined approach

    A determined approach


    Egyptian berries and citrus fill a key window in the UK market and the source is pulling out all the stops to establish its presence and offer high-quality fruit. Anna Sbuttoni reports