All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 100

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    Three lions on the shelf alongside summer offer


    Marketing fresh produce lines to make them topical is far from new and we are no doubt in for a spate of FIFA World

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    A big thank you from the Re:fresh partnership


    May is always a busy month in the FPC’s calendar - working with our partners in Re:fresh to produce the

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    GlobalGAP looks forward to its Summit 2010 in London


    When EurepGAP unveiled a new name and logo in the form of GlobalGAP at its Bangkok conference back in September 2007, it was evidence of the farm assurance standard’s increasingly worldwide outlook. As the scheme prepares to host its 10th global summit this autumn in London, Laura Gould catches up with managing director and secretary Kristian Moeller to find out more about the voluntary organisation’s crucial work and aims for the future

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    Asda’s acquisition spells new phase


    The announcement that Asda has bought Netto and is set to expand into a new format got retail circles whispering at the end of

  • North West players stand proud

    North West players stand proud


    The North West is fiercely proud of its strong reputation as a source of fresh produce and a gateway for fruit and vegetables coming into the UK. Ahead of the next in the series of FPJ Conferences in Manchester next week, Anna Sbuttoni reviews the region and talks to some of the major players from across the supply chain.

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    North West will be next stop for FPJ


    The North West of England has come under the spotlight in this week’s issue, ahead of the next in our series of FPJ

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    Seasons turn and growers find fame at supermarkets


    While there have a been a fair number of chef and celebrity endorsements to back various fruit and vegetable products, very

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    Eventful days out of the office are numbered


    There is no denying that SIAL, the massive and well-established French food show held in Paris, plays a major role in

  • Dublin wholesalers prove they are fighting fit for business

    Dublin wholesalers prove they are fighting fit for business


    Draped in a rich and detailed history, Dublin’s Corporation Fruit Market has been supplying both the city and the rest of Ireland with wholesale fruit and vegetables for more than 100 years, but nearly half of that time has been spent searching for change. After years of unfulfilled promises of regeneration, Elizabeth O’Keefe asks how Dublin wholesalers can ensure the market is sustainable for future generations to benefit from and enjoy.

  • Strong banana market follows difficult period for sector

    Strong banana market follows difficult period for sector


    The banana trade is facing a difficult period as poor consumption levels from consumers and unimpressive trading performances from the big players have left the job looking like a tough prospect. Alex Lawson looks at developments in the last quarter

  • UK tomatoes power forward for British Tomato Week

    UK tomatoes power forward for British Tomato Week


    The UK tomato season got off to a slow start, with cool temperatures and low light levels delaying glasshouse crops but, as domestic demand continues to grow and innovation takes the sector forward, the industry is preparing for a bright future. Elizabeth O’Keefe takes a look at the UK tomato season as it gets into full swing in time for British Tomato Week

  • Weather blow unsettles European potato growers

    Weather blow unsettles European potato growers


    Freak weather conditions in recent months have taken their toll on European potato crops. As producers export their wares to the UK, Doris Lee Butterworth reports

  • UK soft-fruit players look forward to summer sun

    UK soft-fruit players look forward to summer sun


    British strawberries have hit the shelves and the home-grown berry offer is soon to get into full swing, amid a flurry of Union Jack flags. So what is in store for the soft-fruit category as the spotlight turns on the UK? Anna Sbuttoni reports

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    Fallen Fruiterers remembered


    By Steve Bodger

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    Fresh produce aisles take a second look at promotions


    Polybags and pillow packs may be the common currency when it comes to presenting mixed salad leaves, but Tesco has taken the

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    Trade resilience on the brink of new era


    There was a good turnout for the Re:fresh Conference and Awards last week, when by the end of the evening more than 550

  • Vuki produces Fairtrade apples and pears

    Fairtrade premium keeps South African growers on top


    In the second of FPJ’s spotlights on the impact of Fairtrade, the Fairtrade Foundation homes in on South African top fruit

  • Hilary Benn backed PFNs in December

    PFN schemes pique interest among UK growers


    UK food producers have traditionally lagged behind their European counterparts when it comes to registering their products under the EU’s Protected Food Names (PFN) Scheme. However, with former DEFRA secretary of state Hilary Benn backing the schemes when he toured New Covent Garden Market (NCGM) in December, it seems there is definitely scope for the UK to catch up with the continent when it comes to boasting about the unique heritage of its products. Laura Gould reports

  • British and imported lines battle for UK share

    British and imported lines battle for UK share


    The conundrum of British fruit and vegetables versus imported lines is causing confusion for consumers, ever since the debate over food miles evolved into a consideration of everything from environmental to economic factors, both at home and overseas. It seems that on the one hand, shoppers are keen to eat as locally as they can in an effort to protect the environment and support their own economy but at the same time, they enjoy year-round supply of a whole basket of fresh produce and are striving to support some of the poorest producer communities in the world. So where does this leave the fresh produce industry? Anna Sbuttoni investigates

  • Vegetable industry prays for sunshine to break through

    Vegetable industry prays for sunshine to break through


    The uncharacteristically cool spring has put the vegetable industry back as much as three weeks and demand for winter warmers is still going strong. As Spanish supply comes to an end, vegetable growers in the UK are willing the sun to come out. Elizabeth O’Keefe reports