All Flowers articles – Page 58

  • Article

    Garlic winners


    A garlic specialist is celebrating after winning a top award from the Royal Horticultural Society.

  • Relocation, relocation, relocation

    Relocation, relocation, relocation


    The horticulture wholesale market has been a fixture of Birmingham for 30 years and few could deny it has served the city well. But as modern life continues to blossom left, right and centre, some say the city-centre’s development is being held back by its presence, while the market itself has seen better days. However, with tenants’ leases set to expire in 2009 most are starting to ask themselves if it is a question of ‘make do and mend’ or time to be moving on. Elspeth Waters reports.

  • Article

    Poupart reaps the benefits with new IT solution


    For a leading fresh produce company like the Poupart Group, ensuring it has the right levels of stock in the right place at

  • Paul Walker

    Prophet: potato companies are different


    Change can be slow in the potato business. The need to update old systems to meet the challenge of the Millennium Bug created inertia in 2000. Five years on however, companies trying to survive the onslaught on their margins see new software and computer systems as a key strategic choice in their battle to survive.

  • Nursery producers offer delivery solution

    Nursery producers offer delivery solution


    A group of nursery producers have joined forces to offer a new delivery solution to customers.

  • Article

    Redbridge wins new contract


    Redbridge Produce & Flowers has been awarded the contract to supply Shropshire County Council's school and social care kitchens with fresh fruit and vegetables.

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    Flamingo completes Lingarden purchase


    Flower and vegetable supplier Flamingo Holdings has announced the completion of its purchase of Spalding-based Lingarden Ltd.

  • First Middle East Congress goes to Dubai

    First Middle East Congress goes to Dubai


    The Middle East Congress 2005, organised by Eurofruit Magazine, is a new conference and networking event for the international fresh produce business in the Middle East.

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    Israel greenhouse settlement


    Israel's Ministry of Agriculture announced it will help Gush Katif farmers move their greenhouses to the new settlements.

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    Netafim takes a stake in greenhouse operation


    Israel's Netafim, one of the world's leading agro-technical and irrigation companies, has taken a 50 per cent stake in the South African Vegtech Greenhouse company.

  • Bach conducts a CGM tour

    Bach conducts a CGM tour


    Lord Bach has paid his first visit to New Covent Garden Market in his new role as food and farming minister.

  • Taiwan aims for the UK market

    Taiwan aims for the UK market


    Producers from Taiwan are looking to break into the UK market following a recent government fact-finding mission.

  • Article

    New first for World Flowers


    Cut flower importer World Flowers has become the first to have its operations outside Europe certified to the British Ornamental Plant Producers standard for cut-flower packhouses.

  • HE Joseph Muchemi

    Kenya seeks trade-not-aid


    Kenya's booming flower business is proof trade, not aid, will help Africa out of poverty, said HE Joseph Muchemi, Kenya’s High Commissioner.

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    Israeli greenhouses to cross Green Line


    Israel's Flower Growers Association has proposed to the Ministry of Agriculture a plan to transfer all the greenhouses in the Israeli settlements in the Gaza Region to new areas within the "Green Line" in Israel.

  • International issues

    International issues


    In the last of our series of profiles on the sector, Elspeth Waters investigates some of the issues affecting the global wholesale scene, highlighting some of the specific activities taking place at our neighbouring European markets, as the industry looks to Baltimore for its next global congress.

  • MAP of the future

    MAP of the future


    In the final focus on packaging the Journal explores the application of modified atmosphere packaging.

  • Article

    New contract for Redbridge


    Redbridge Produce and Flowers has won the contract to supply fruit and vegetables to the whole of South Tyneside Education and Social Service Departments.

  • Peter Wensak

    Wensak’s 60 week year


    By David Shapley

  • The great cover up

    The great cover up


    The British soft-fruit industry is one of the few agricultural success stories of the last 10 years, but it faces crisis as moves are being made to prevent the use of the polytunnel. Tommy Leighton reports.