All Flowers articles – Page 36

  • Teun van Turenhout, rose product manager, and Piet Ravensbergen from Fleura

    New rose catalogue from Bloemenveiling Aalsmeer


    Dutch rose auction, Bloemenveiling Aalsmeer has launched its new rose catalogue.

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    Horti Fair back on form


    This year’s International Horti Fair in Amsterdam, which was held from October 9-12, confirmed its top position as a leading horticultural showcase and attracted 46,846 horticultural professionals from 108 countries.

  • Norah Stucken award goes global

    Norah Stucken award goes global


    The Real IPM Company (Kenya) Ltd has become the first company based outside the UK and Republic of Ireland to receive the Institute of Horticulture’s (IoH) Norah Stucken Award.

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    Kenyan flower sector boosts market share


    Kenya’s flower industry has recorded an eight per cent leap in global market share for the period up to September - despite recent negative publicity surrounding poor working conditions.

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    Agrexco scoops Aalsmeer accolade


    The Gold Cup at this year’s International Flower Competition in Aalsmeer, Holland was awarded to Benzy Gil and Agrexco - the first time ever that a non-Dutch flower designer has picked up the prize.

  • Avocados weather cold spell

    Avocados weather cold spell


    Chilean avocados have been hit hard by the country’s unprecedented cold weather this winter, but, although yield is low, quality is better than ever. As Chilean Hass avocados arrive in the UK, Elizabeth O’Keefe reports from Chile.

  • Harvey Hope-Mason

    100 years of the Hope-Masons


    The fresh produce industry has evolved almost beyond recognition since the FPJ started up more than a century ago and was acquired by the Hope-Masons 100 years ago. Tracing the industry timeline from the years in which markets were the lynchpin of the trade, to the rise of imports and the growth of the multiples, the Journal has never missed an issue. Anna Sbuttoni trawls through the FPJ archive.

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    Kenyan state throws weight behind horticulture


    The Kenyan government has secured Sh4 billion (£30m) to finance small-scale horticulture production over the next five years, according to the local press.

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    Hopes high on and off the pitch


    Following arguably the best game of the Rugby World Cup on Saturday between England and their antipodean counterparts, and an

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    Pakistan to boost horticulture spending


    The Pakistan Horticulture and Development and Export Board (PHDEB) has allocated Rs300 million (£2.4m) for the development of the country’s horticulture sector.

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    Remember, you read it here first


    Reading is probably one of the best places in the UK to hear balanced opinions about the eventual impact of climate change.

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    Sainsbury's top dog at retail awards


    Sainsbury’s picked up a number of accolades at last week’s Retail Industry Awards, held at London's Grosvenor House hotel.

  • Basil is rich in the anti-inflammatory agent eugenol

    Fresh herbs unveiled as stress-busters


    New research from Cardiff University has revealed a daily diet of fresh herbs can help combat a range of serious stress-related conditions, including high blood pressure, insomnia and anxiety.

  • Whirlwind introduction from S&G

    Whirlwind introduction from S&G


    S&G Flowers has introduced Scaevola Whirlwind Splash and Mid Blue to add to the breakthrough range.

  • WSGA reports successful open days

    WSGA reports successful open days


    The West Sussex Growers Association has reported a successful Open Day last Sunday, with around 6,000 visits across the 15 member nurseries.

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    HTA launches 'Greening the UK' campaign


    The HTA have launched a campaign to encourage councils and developers to plant more in the UK’s urban streets and gardens.

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    Flower auction to offer UK options


    Information technology is playing an ever increasing role in the arena of fresh produce. This month, we have a floral theme, as we take a look at, a successful internet auction site for florists that will launch in the UK next week, as well as a boost for Plants4Presents through its link up with NetDespatch.

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    Fuchsia gall mite warning


    The RHS has warned fuchsia growers that a ‘potentially devastating’ mite has been found on a British plant for the first time.

  • The generation game

    The generation game


    With the average age of horticulturalists pitched in the mid-50s, the industry is in need of some new blood. But where are these youngsters going to come from? Elspeth Waters reports on the sector’s attempts to connect with the younger generation.

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    Kleve to host S&G Cyclamen show


    S&G Flowers will be holding its 2007 Cyclamen show on October 9-12 in Kleve, Germany.