Exotic fruit news archive – Page 84

  • Article

    Too many messages spoil the broth


    I’ve lost count of the number of times that once confident newcomers into the fresh produce industry have been left

  • Fresh and very direct

    Fresh and very direct


    Taking the Carmel Foodservice Supplier of the Year award at Re:fresh 2005 was just the beginning of a rollercoaster ride of success for Fresh Direct. The company, already a strong player in the foodservice sector, then went on to almost double its size by swallowing up fellow operator Caterfresh. Ed Bedington went to find out what makes the firm tick.

  • Holland of the East

    Holland of the East


    When it comes to exporting its agricultural products, flowers perhaps offer the most immediate opportunity for Taiwan as it looks to position itself as the “Holland in the East”. Ed Bedington reports.

  • Mushroom sector squares up to challenges

    Mushroom sector squares up to challenges


    Exotics and pre-packs are the bright spots in the mushroom industry, but Poland and rising energy costs are causing some concern. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

  • Article

    Beacon's bean mix


    Brecon-based fresh and exotic food supplier Beacon Foods has been exciting its customers with a new range of bean mixes.

  • Produced in Taiwan

    Produced in Taiwan


    Taiwan may have been famed for its cheap and cheerful consumer goods, but now the country is hoping to achieve wider recognition for its high quality fruit and vegetable production as it looks to rebuild in the wake of a major natural disaster. Ed Bedington reports from Taiwan.

  • Colombia’s exotic side

    Colombia’s exotic side


    In the penultimate feature in our series on Colombian fresh produce, Tommy Leighton talks to four of the country’s leading lights in exotic fruit.

  • Linda Lloyd

    Beacon brings in Lloyd


    Fresh and exotic produce specialist Beacon Foods has appointed a new director.

  • Parripak ups exotic offer

    Parripak ups exotic offer


    Vegetable processor Parripak Foods is offering a new range of exotic mushrooms.

  • Article

    Northerners ahead on healthy eating


    Newcastle is the pomegranate capital of the UK according to a survey by Sainsbury’s.

  • Article

    Bureaucratic nightmare for organics


    Organic imports are being held up at UK ports by a “bureaucratic nightmare”, according to one importer.

  • Graham Young

    New year resolve


    At times the fresh produce industry may seem very small and well-connected but the links rely on a staggeringly large number of individuals with very diverse responsibilities. As another new year dawns, many will be taking stock and preparing targets for the weeks and months ahead. Elspeth Waters caught up with six of the people involved in the industry, both in the UK and abroad, to find out what they remember of last year and what they are expecting from 2006.

  • Bigger than bananas

    Bigger than bananas


    The Irish grape market is exploding as consumer taste for seedless fruit continues to grow. Anthony Garvey takes a look at how the industry is meeting that demand.

  • That was the year that was - August 2005

    That was the year that was - August 2005


    Throughout 2005, freshinfo brought you all the breaking news and kept you bang up-to-date with the ongoing stories from around the world that affected the UK fresh produce market. Click here to review the top five stories from August.

  • Vegetables jump aesthetic hurdle

    Vegetables jump aesthetic hurdle


    Vegetables may not be as aesthetically pleasing as fruit, but when it comes to exotics, weird and wonderful looking veg seems to be having its day, as products which have graced Asian palates for centuries are increasingly finding their way into our kitchen cupboards. Elspeth Waters spoke to two companies excited about the category.

  • World opens up for Colombia

    World opens up for Colombia


    As the global climate becomes less reliable, the world continues to look for new sources to guarantee its 12-month supply demands are met. Over the next five issues, FPJ will report from Colombia, a country with fresh produce potential that remains largely untapped. Tommy Leighton kicks off the coverage with an exporters’ eye view on a country that is fast emerging as a realistic long-term partner for UK buyers.

  • Article

    Bringing Fairtrade to the exotic sector


    Exotics are a niche in their own right but this has not stopped some Fairtrade producers from trying to extend their offer in this direction. Elspeth Waters reports.

  • Physalis leads the exotic fruit sector in Colombia, in terms of international sales

    Colombian campaign to boost UK business


    The Colombian fresh produce export industry will be given a higher profile in the UK as part of a new campaign to boost the country’s image with both trade and consumers.

  • Growing the taste for exotics

    Growing the taste for exotics


    When is an exotic not an exotic? In the first of our series of profiles on the category Elspeth Waters asks the industry how the concept of exotics is changing as consumers become more accepting of foreign fare

  • Airfreight looks set to soar

    Airfreight looks set to soar


    Despite high-running costs and concerns over environmental damage, companies transporting fresh produce by air are still recording a steady annual growth. Emma Twyning talks to three of the industry’s leading players to find out how the sector is evolving.