Exotic fruit news archive – Page 82

  • Dove Warmen, left, and Hannes Martin

    Catering for a new client base


    MTEX, the Israeli-owned citrus, grape, exotics and potato specialist, has set up a new division to target the fastest growing customer segment in the UK, foodservice. Tommy Leighton talks to MTEX UK managing director Dov Warmen and MTEX UK Foodservice manager Hannes Martin.

  • Oakleaf is in short supply

    Weather woes for fancy leaves


    The northern French and UK seasons for exotic lettuce are proving an “unmitigated disaster” according to suppliers in the sector.

  • MIS a hit in data game

    MIS a hit in data game


    Market data is an invaluable tool for modern-day fresh produce companies to sharpen their business acumen. Lincolnshire-based Market Intelligence Services (MIS) is at the forefront of this information wave, with its eye firmly fixed on retail prices charged for fresh produce across the country. The company’s David Tebbutt tells Emma Twyning exactly what MIS can offer a business

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    Bryan reflects on three fun decades in trade


    Agrexco’s projects manager, Terry Bryan, is bowing out after 30 years of service to the company. He talks to Elspeth Waters about the prospect of retirement and what he has learned and loved about his life in the fresh produce industry

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    A stickler’s mission: Do the colours live up to claims?


    There is no doubt that fruit and vegetables add a lot of colour to the lives of both retailers and customers. But I sometimes

  • Colombian exporter strengthens organic offer

    Colombian exporter strengthens organic offer


    Established Colombian exporter of exotic fruit, herbs and vegetables, Frutexpo, is looking to develop the country’s organic sector, following growing demand for its produce in the UK and Europe.

  • Many airlines have diverted produce to road transport to alleviate the back-log at airports

    Terror alert compromises imports


    Air-freighted imports have been severely disrupted and fresh produce has allegedly been left sitting on runways for hours, following the foiled terrorist plot which brought all UK airports to a standstill last week.

  • Charlie Merson, Greyfriars

    Soaking up the sun


    The sun has shone on sweetcorn production in the UK and on the continent this season. The hottest July on record has simultaneously stressed the crop and sparked demand and as the golden cobs prove a barbecue favourite, UK suppliers are looking forward to a strong peak season. Anna Sbuttoni reports.

  • Data good for digestion

    Data good for digestion


    To subscribe or not to subscribe? When it comes to market data, there seems to be a dichotomy between those who buy everything going and those who boycott the concept altogether. So, are those in the know any better off? Elspeth Waters reports.

  • Watermelons square up at Tesco

    Watermelons square up at Tesco


    Square watermelons are set to hit Tesco stores across the UK in October.

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    All singing, all dancing - cherries on parade


    there’s no doubt that cherries are a favourite fruit, both in terms of customer demand and for retailers, because of the

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    Mushroom added to anti-cancer arsenal


    An exotic mushroon could be a secret weapon in the fight against cancer, according to research by the University of Boston.

  • Kiwifruit packs a punch

    Kiwifruit packs a punch


    The UK market is a trusty magnet for kiwifruit and with some producers keen to advance their market presence further, Doris Lee Butterworth talks to leading players in the southern hemisphere and Europe about their respective campaigns.

  • Maybe this recent initiative, by Asda and AMS, will boost berry intake north of the border

    Scots way behind on consumption


    Scottish people have failed to improve their diets over the last 10 years, despite a decade of government initiatives aimed at increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables.

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    Burma looks to expand fruit exports


    Commercial authorities in Myanmar (formerly Burma) are urging farmers to expand exotic fruit exports to boost foreign exchange earnings.

  • Pam Lloyd & James Hallett of the British Asparagus Group accepting their award from NFU president Peter Kendall

    In the BAG for gras


    The British Asparagus Group (BAG) won the Best Collaboration category at the NFU awards.

  • Colombian papaya, year-round

    Colombian papaya, year-round


    Ultraroma, the Colombian grower and exporter that has built up a successful herb business in Europe, has extended its portfolio with the addition of a year-round papaya programme.

  • Tony Bilsborough and Chef Noel

    Greenery goes on the road


    European producer and supplier The Greenery is taking to the road with chef Noel Goulding to showcase the versatility of its veg offer at selected wholesale markets across the UK.

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    Organic exotics on verge of breakthrough


    Organic exotics are set to make a bigger impact, according to several sources.

  • JO Sims breaks into bakery

    JO Sims breaks into bakery


    The increasing demand for fruit ingredients in the baked goods sector has lead to significant outlay by the UK’s leading fruit ingredient supplier, JO Sims.