Exotic fruit news archive – Page 80

  • Brits need spears

    Brits need spears


    British asparagus growers are enjoying a golden period, with sales rocketing 60 per cent in the last two years. Coupled with this year’s earlier start, due to more crops being grown under cover, and anticipated higher volumes, the sector is in a buoyant mood. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

  • Legume growers full of new ideas

    Legume growers full of new ideas


    UK pea and bean growers are launching a new campaign on May 1 which aims to have young children Full of Beans.

  • Easter bonus

    Easter bonus


    Plant sales across all retail outlets were buoyant this Easter, with gardeners inspired to head out and plant up. Angela Youngman reports.

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    New wave of stir fry heats up growing prospects


    Microwavable stir fry and its barbecued equivalent is becoming the new taste on the block, and opening up potentially a far wider market for what are already being described as oriental vegetables.

  • Michael Owen favours raspberries

    Footballers reveal fruity faves


    Three Newcastle United footballers have revealed their favourite fruits ahead of the World Cancer Research Fund’s (WCRF) Fruity Friday event on May 25.

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    Mixed messages open to endless interpretations


    I am always interested in recommendations made by retailers to help consumers, because they are open to so many

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    The Greenery launches new guide to mushrooms


    The Greenery has launched a guide to its range of mushrooms.

  • Certifying the world

    Certifying the world


    With the third version of the EurepGAP certification scheme now ready for roll-out, mounting numbers of countries and retailers are beginning to implement their own initiatives benchmarked to the original standard. But does this glut of copycat schemes spell good news for the fresh produce industry? Laura Gould investigates.

  • Covent Garden pushes for 'regional hub' model

    Covent Garden pushes for 'regional hub' model


    New Covent Garden Market is working in partnership with the South East England Development Agency to develop a more regionally-based business model

  • A blooming good year

    A blooming good year


    Fresh flower specialist Flowerfête has enjoyed a hectic but rewarding 12 months since scooping FPC’s Floral Business of the Year award at Re:fresh 2006. Laura Gould met managing director Colin Hills to find out more about recent developments.

  • Pass the herbs

    Pass the herbs


    With herbs replacing salt as the second biggest category in the flavourings market, according to Mintel, it is hard to find a more buoyant sector in the UK marketplace than that of fresh herbs. Kathy Hammond reports.

  • Front row: Minister Alan John Kyerematen, HRH the Duke of Kent and Blue Skies chairman Anthony Pile

    Royal Stamp of approval for Blue Skies


    His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent has praised Ghanaian fresh-cut fruit firm Blue Skies as, “an excellent example of British investment and confidence in Ghana, and a splendid example of partnership with the local community”.

  • End of an era?

    End of an era?


    When FPJ last visited Dublin’s Corporation Market in 2001, its future was hanging in the balance due to council plans to redevelop the site. Six years on, another trip to the wholesale centre revealed traders remain in a similarly perplexing state of limbo. Laura Gould investigates.

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    Making all the right moves for Chile


    As the international frontman for the Chilean fruit export industry since the mid-1980s, Ronald Bown has presided over the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association (CFFA) during an unprecedented period of growth. He tells Tommy Leighton what’s next on the agenda.

  • Down in the farm shop

    Down in the farm shop


    The public’s new-found appetite for better taste, better choice and higher nutritional value is being coupled with a desire for readily available organic food. But what does this mean for the original purveyors of fresh fruit and vegetables straight from the field, the roadside farm shop? Can the huge opportunities created by consumer demand be properly exploited, or has the tide turned too quickly for producers to take commercial advantage in this increasingly competitive market? Serena Shores reports.

  • India goes GAP filling

    India goes GAP filling


    India’s export development agency Apeda has announced a brand-building exercise for the country’s grapes and an IndiaGAP programme.

  • Ripesense expands range

    Ripesense expands range


    Ripesense is expanding its product range to include avocados and mangoes.

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    Koppert showcases premium novelties


    Koppert Cress intrigued Fruit Logistica visitors with its premium products, which included seaweed, grown as cress, ultra-sweet tomatoes and plant-made vase, Venus.

  • Cucumber sector energised

    Cucumber sector energised


    As the industry enjoys lower gas prices, cucumber growers are cautiously optimistic about market conditions this season. Doris Lee Butterworth talks to leading producers about the state of play.

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    When is a seaweed not a seaweed?


    One thing I have realised over the years is that you never stop learning. J Sainsbury’s pack of Crispy Seaweed has been