Exotic fruit news archive – Page 58

  • Philippines banana inspection

    Organic treatment for banana crown rot


    An organic treatment for banana crown rot, developed in the Philippines, could cut back on the need for chemicals to treat the disease

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    Wealmoor upbeat for new year


    Importer Wealmoor has predicted its recent investment programme will give it a strong platform for growth and sustainability despite the current pressure on industry margins.

  • Morrisons in the limelight with strong citrus growth

    Morrisons in the limelight with strong citrus growth


    Citrus makes a good stocking filler, and importers have worked hard in the last quarter to ensure shelves are full. Morrisons is leading the big four with a new strategy, making the most of last minute trade to reach the right price ticket. As the new year swings into action, Anna Sbuttoni asks what’s in store

  • dragon fruit generic

    Vietnam dragon fruit exports soar


    Vietnamese dragon fruit exports to the US are likely to have exceeded 800 tonnes in 2010, an eight-fold increase over 2009

  • Younger consumers are targeted

    Asda in baby sharonfruit drive


    Asda has launched a new baby sharonfruit line as it strives to target younger consumers with the exotic fruit.

  • A year to remember

    A year to remember


    With Christmas almost upon us, it’s time to ruminate on what’s been another extraordinary year for the industry. And so we give you the inaugural FPJ End of Year Awards, where we doff our collective caps to the weird and wonderful events that have caught our eyes this year, and hand out a few gongs of our own. Disagree with our selection? Let us know who you would have voted for

  • Exotics take a hit as supplies tighten and rivals get competitive

    Exotics take a hit as supplies tighten and rivals get competitive


    A crisis has hit the exotics category this year in the shape of shortfalls, price promotions and relentless competition from rival products such as soft fruit and stonefruit. In fact, both value and volume sales have slipped as the sector struggles to find its feet. Anna Sbuttoni reports

  • GENrambutan.jpeg

    US access likely for Malaysia and Vietnam


    Trade channels to the US could soon open up for Malaysian and Vietnamese rambutan following the results of a Pest Risk Analysis by the USDA

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    Snow fails to stop a steady stream of new varieties


    It’s been an interesting exercise to see how the multiples have rearranged their wares in the last week, with fresh

  • Medjoul dates

    Dates are not just for Christmas


    Israeli exporter MTEX believes there is untapped potential for Medjoul dates year round in the UK.

  • AU Australia lychees in box lichee litchi

    Tough season for Australian lychees


    The battered Australian lychee crop is unlikely to have much fruit available for export this year after wet weather during flowering

  • Produce Specialties Fiji Solo Red Papaya

    Fijian papayas find new markets


    Produce Specialties has ramped up its Fijian papaya exports following a showing at the Asia Fruit Logistica trade fair in September

  • Wholesale mango prices rocket

    Wholesale mango prices rocket


    The wholesale price of mangoes in the UK is up by 145 per cent year-on-year.

  • Agrexco pitahaya

    Agrexco starts Desert King exports


    The exporter has North America and Europe in its sights as the Israeli pitahaya season gets underway

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    US increases Vietnam dragon fruit imports


    Vietnamese dragon fruit exports to the US have seen impressive growth this year, up 12 times on 2009

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    Spanish aim for persimon growth


    The Spanish persimon industry aims to double the fruit’s consumption in the UK in three years.

  • Kaki

    Spanish persimmon crop damaged by winds


    Valencia associations say losses from high winds could total as much as 10,000 tonnes

  • Indian grapes

    India angles for US trade deal


    Indian officials hope to discuss US access for Indian grapes, pomegranates and lychees during US President Obama's visit this week

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    Tesco begins purple sweet potato


    Tesco has begun the sale of a new purple potato just weeks after Sainsury’s introduced Albert Bartlett’s Purple Majesty.

  • Mark Horton outside Wealmoor's rebuilt site in Stratford-upon-Avon

    Wealmoor emerges from trauma to push on with expansion plans


    Ahead of next week’s FPJ Conferences - West Midlands event, which takes an in-depth look at the fresh produce supply chain in the region, Elizabeth O’Keefe interviews one of the main players in the Midlands, grower, importer and Re:fresh Fresh Direct Overall Produce Trader of the Year winner, Wealmoor