All articles by Elizabeth O'Keefe – Page 43

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    Technology key to Vietnamese exports


    A disappointing production of fruit and vegetables in Vietnam this year and therefore low export turnover, has made the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) adjust its national programme on developing production and exports of fruit and vegetables.

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    Kelgray celebrates 35 years of business


    This year Kelgray, a leading data capture solutions provider to the food processing sector, celebrates 35 years in business. The company has been at the forefront of the barcoding and labelling industry ever since its inception.

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    Royal to wow agricultural community


    The Royal Agricultural Society of England has announced the highlights of this year's Royal Show to be held at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire on July 1 to 4.

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    Top debate planned on logistics


    Organisers SCALA Consulting has announced that the 2007 SCALA Annual Logistics Debate will be themed by the question: “Will environmental issues force logistics operations to think the unthinkable?”

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    Algiers to host October event


    IEC (International Exhibitions and Conferences) is launching LFL Algeria 2007, an international exhibition for the fruit and vegetable industry.

  • Sebastian Monckeberg V, chief executive manager, and Sanda Bock S, chief operation manager, of Frutconcept

    Innovative dried berries heading for UK


    Frutconcept, based in Valdivia, Chile, came to London this month to showcase its colourful dried fruits, high concentrate juice and chocolate covered dried fruit produce in a bid for export into the UK.

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    Changes ahead for HACCP system


    The Forum of Private Business (FPB) has voiced a mixed reaction to proposals by the European Commission (EC), which appear to exempt all food businesses with fewer than 10 employees from the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system.

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    MPs stand against waste


    The Independent today reported that 112 MPs have joined its campaign against excess over-packaged products.

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    Asda gets tough on waste


    Asda is holding a trail called “Leave It With Us” in an attempted to identify products that are over-packaged and to put pressure on suppliers to do the same.

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    Dry times ahead for Australia's agricultural farmers


    Australia's prime minster, John Howard announced last week that the nation's agricultural heartland of the Murray Darling basin in the east will face a ban on irrigation so that there will be enough water to drink.

  • Ug ug ug: spinach is eyepoppingly good for you

    Vegetables are good for eyesight


    New research has confirmed that eating vegetables can prevent the onset of failing vision, says professor Ian Grierson, the head of ophthalmology at the University of Liverpool.

  • Jenny White, Barbara Moinet and Angela Lloyd-Jones of Kitchen Garden Foods

    Cut-price management training for women


    Improve, the food and drink sector skills council, is subsidising 90 per cent of the costs for women to complete an introductory certificate in management from the Chartered Management Institute as part of a drive to help boost the number of female managers in food and drink manufacturing.

  • Tesco targets affluent customers

    Tesco targets affluent customers


    Tesco is said to be developing more premium products to attract shoppers away from Waitrose and Sainsbury's.

  • John Clarke of Scotts Professional

    A new phase for Scotts


    Scotts Professional has appointed two additional personnel to its ornamental horticulture sales team with the aim to further improve the service and technical expertise it offers to its customers in the professional nursery industry.

  • Neil Hosking & Andrew Richards of Trevarnon Farm

    Brakes keeps it local


    Brakes will be starting this year’s English strawberry season by offering its customers ‘first pick’ Cornish strawberries direct to the area, from the area.

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    New Fire Safety & Fire Risk Assessment courses available


    The UK’s leading independent fire safety consultancy, Lawrence Webster Forrest (LWF) are offering Fire Safety & Fire Risk Assessment courses in line with the new Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

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    Junk food adverts given 9pm watershed


    Over 200 MPs have signed the Parliamentary Early Day Motion 404 to protect children from junk food adverts before 9pm.

  • A union for Petit Forestier and Fresh Direct

    A union for Petit Forestier and Fresh Direct


    The UK’s largest independent fresh produce supplier, Fresh Direct is now operating more than 75 refrigerated vehicles from Petit Forestier, the majority of which have been supplied in full livery on a long term contract hire basis.

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    Soil seminar at organic farm


    Laverstoke Park farm will hold a two day seminar called “Improve life in your soil - using compost and compost tea” to help farmers and growers involved in organic farming, urban horticulture and landscaping increase their knowledge of improvements to soil quality using natural and biological approaches.

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    New tax penalty system


    A new, less flexible tax penalty system will come into play next year as the government believes that the existing system is insufficient in the distinction in behaviour and attitudes of the company directors who break the rules.