Dried fruit and nuts news archive – Page 32

  • Article

    No easy solutions in the land of opportunity


    In less than 10 years Redbridge Holdings has grown from a £100 million business to a £250m operation. Chief executive Denis Punter, talks to Ed Bedington about the issues he feels are most important to the industry and how Redbridge is responding to them.

  • SATI sets out stall

    SATI sets out stall


    It is 12 months since the South African table grape industry body, SATI, was established and senior members are reporting a successful first year. Emma Twyning finds out how far the industry body has come, and where it hopes to go in its second year.

  • Stay calm with artichokes

    Stave off Christmas feuds with artichokes


    Swapping roast spuds for artichoke mash could stave off the traditional festive feud.

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    Whitworths’ dried and tested success


    Healthier eating has never been higher on the nation’s agenda, but it has always been an issue in which I have taken a

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    Washington apples top value list


    Food production in Washington reached an all time high last year, with apples once again topping the list, despite a drop in sales.

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    Tesco boost for dried fruits


    UK consumers are showing increasing interest in health foods, including dried fruits, Tesco has claimed.

  • 110 years and counting

    110 years and counting


    The FPJ has come a long way since its first issue was published on October 5 1895. Today’s relaunch coincides with our 110th birthday, so we thought it appropriate to give our modern-day readers an insight into the ways the Journal in its various guises has reflected the changes of this great industry through a century and more. Some things have altered surprisingly little.

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    Perlim invests €7m in Saint-Haulaire


    French apple and nut producer Perlim is spending €7 million expanding its premises at Saint-Haulaire.

  • Makenete

    BEE-line for South Africa


    Black economic empowerment (BEE) was an extremely poignant issue raised frequently throughout the allFresh! conference, in Stellenbosch, South Africa last week.

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    Beans protect against cancer


    British scientists have found that a natural compound found in beans could protect against cancer.

  • The UK’s going Mad4Mango

    The UK’s going Mad4Mango


    A far-reaching promotional campaign, coupled with consistent supplies of good quality fruit, could make mangoes even more popular in the coming months. Doris Lee Butterworth investigates.

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    Soft coconut launch


    An importer is hoping for success with the launch of a soft-skinned ready-to-eat coconut.

  • 500 up for 5 A DAY

    500 up for 5 A DAY


    More than 700 brands are promoting the 5 A DAY message, as the Department of Health issues the 500th licence for its 5 A DAY logo.

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    Tesco goes nuts to boost sales


    Sales of nuts have hit an all time high according to Tesco, which is attributing the boom to the latest diet craze.

  • Next-day testing boost for industry

    Next-day testing boost for industry


    Scientists are offering what they describe as a “get-out-of-jail-free card” to the fresh produce industry with the launch of a next-day pesticide residue testing service.

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    Genetic transformation for fruit fly


    Genetic engineers in the UK have changed the genome of the Mediterranean fruit fly.

  • Check out Fairtrade

    Check out Fairtrade


    The advent of Fairtrade Fortnight provides a prime opportunity for insights into a rapidly developing sector. However, behind the scenes the Fairtrade Foundation, along with many retailers and suppliers, is actively promoting the concept on a daily basis in the hope that ethical trading will continue to impact the lives of UK consumers long after the two weeks are up. Elspeth Waters reports.

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    America looks to Russia


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: American producers were at Fruit Logistica to show off their apples and nuts.

  • Australians aim for higher UK profile

    Australians aim for higher UK profile


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: Australian producers were on hand to raise their profile at Fruit Logistica in Berlin last week, and plan to increase their exports to the UK.

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    Growers welcome new US secretary of agriculture


    Western Growers, a leading US trade association, has welcomed the appointment of Mike Johanns as secretary of agriculture.