Citrus news archive – Page 238

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    Spain's citrus crisis worsens


    Producers are taking action and asking for aid in the worst citrus season for a generation.

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    Zim and Mozambican citrus on the up


    Grapefruit and oranges from Zimbabwe and Mozambique are overcoming climatic and political difficulties with a forecast year-on-year increase in exports.

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    Brazil bouncing back


    Citrus in Brazil is on the road to recovery after some difficult growing conditions early this year.

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    Morocco falls victim to citrus slump


    The disastrous citrus season takes its toll on sendings from Morocco too

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    Citrus harvest recovery


    Figures published for March by US authorities show a citrus crop bouncing back nation-wide.

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    Del Monte completes Red Rose acquisition


    Fresh Del Monte Produce announces completion of deal to acquire the business of Boston-based importer and distributor, Red Rose International.

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    Canker crisis worsens


    Four counties in Florida have been declared a disaster area as the citrus canker crisis worsens and quarantine areas are extended.

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    Tunisia increases citrus output


    Growers in Tunisia have seen citrus production climb on 1998-99 levels.

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    Dole Food recovery means no to merger


    Dole Food has ended talks with food operator San Miguel. It is also believed to have ruled out the possibility of a merger, after an improvement in business.

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    Market mayhem for Spanish citrus


    Citrus markets are in disarray across Europe having an effect on all supply countries, but as the largest citrus source in Europe, the Spanish are particularly hard hit.

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    Shamouti struggles against oversupply


    Some importers of Israeli citrus are calling it a day on Shamouti, the easy-peeling Jaffa orange as prices in the UK languish in the doldrums.

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    Italy faces up to citrus crisis


    The Italian authorities are putting into action drastic withdrawal measures to try and salvage a disastrous citrus season.

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    Authorities fork out to control increasing canker threat


    State officials from Florida and their federal counterparts could be poised to give up to $110million in aid to the citrus canker eradication effort.

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    Spanish citrus crisis


    A low price and quality-affected season are making 1999-2000 one of the most difficult in recent years for some of Spain's citrus growers.

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    Florida plans canker purge


    Agriculture bodies have reacted swiftly to try and eradicate the bacterial and highly contagious disease that not only damages fruit but also weakens trees

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    Lemon growers link up


    Producers of lemons in the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil are starting to work together in order to increase exports.

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    Del Monte eyes Red Rose


    Two of the best known names among UK fresh produce importers are looking to join operations.

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    Rain dents citrus crop


    South Africa is estimating a slight decrease in orange and grapefruit crops following weeks of rain in key production areas.

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    Grape case accord at last


    Ten years after a damaging poison scare in imported grapes, US authorities have made a first step towards a "definitive solution" with their Chilean counterparts.

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    Argentina looks for early lemon start


    Given market conditions in Europe, lemons from Tucumán in Argentina could start arriving a few days earlier than usual.