Citrus news archive – Page 237

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    Florida welcomes rain


    Long-awaited rainfall has finally come to the drought-struck Florida citrus belt.

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    Chile steps up fly fight


    Agriculture authorities in Chile are increasing manpower in order to prevent the spread of Mediterranean fruit fly into fruit-growing areas.

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    Early warning on US entry for Argentina's citrus


    Some academics speaking in the Argentinean press, are questioning studies by the USDA which have paved the way for changes in import restrictions which will soon allow the import of citrus from Argentina.

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    Argentine citrus gains US market access


    The US Department of Agriculture is partially lifting its ban on imports of Argentinean citrus.

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    Florida looks East


    Florida citrus exporters are brushing up on their knowledge of the Chinese market following the ratification earlier this year of the 1999 agreement to lift the ban on US citrus exports.

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    Food Agency finds national diet in crisis


    The National Diet and Nutrition Survey, conducted by the Food Standards Association, uncovers some worrying trends in consumption among younger age groups.

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    Tough times for Med fly in Chile


    A Chilean agronomist does not believe the recently discovered pest will find life in Chile sweet.

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    Argentinean lemon sendings pick up


    Fine weather in Argentina's lemon production areas has given a boost to the season.

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    Fruit fly found in Chile


    The Chilean press has reported Mediterranean fruit fly discovered in some of the country's fruit growing areas.

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    Israeli citrus season round-up


    As the season closes, exports are 13 per cent down on last year despite a 100,000 tonne hike in volumes. Freshinfo looks back on the season with Mena Davidson of the Citrus Marketing Board of Israel and forward on projections for the next five years.

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    Late citrus flush


    A difficult season on oranges for Israel is being sweetened by a strong performance from grapefruit in recent weeks.

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    Brazil on top in citrus processing


    A new report has confirmed Brazil as the market leader in citrus processing

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    Canker battle costs spiral


    The citrus canker eradication programme in Florida is costing federal and state authorities $250million.

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    Rain disrupts Argentinean lemon sendings


    Further rainfall in the principal growing region of Tucuman is slowing harvesting and hampering the season.

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    Brazilian orange forecast revised upwards


    The Sao Paulo 2000-01 orange harvest starting this month is expected to top 380 million cartons.

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    Albert Fisher back on track


    After a debt-laden decade, the Albert Fisher Group is taking its first steps on the road to recovery.

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    Israel failing to recover


    With the citrus season entering its final stages, Israeli exports across most varieties are down on 1998-99.

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    Tough times for lemons


    Difficult growing and market conditions look likely to make this a tough season for Argentinean lemons.

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    Capespan increases international basket


    Capespan is to market an increasing volume of fruit sourced from non-South african countries. This will include a larger basket of fruit such as mangoes and pineapple.

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    Melon growers take action


    With the Spanish melon season just about to start, growers are looking at measures to help improve on the returns of the last two seasons.