Citrus news archive – Page 235

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    Late arrivals may save the day


    The late orange varieties are on stream from Spain and may prove the salvation for some growers of what for many has been another difficult year.

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    Israeli investment reaps rewards


    Investment in technology is bringing cost savings and efficiency benefits to Israeli exporters.

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    Peruvian asparagus recovery


    Problems with obtaining financing and loans over recent seasons have taken their toll on Peru's asparagus production, but growers are hopeful for 2001.

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    NZ sees fruit export revenue grow


    Horticulture exports are making up an important share of New Zealand's overall food and fibre trade with fruit taking the lions share.

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    Importers have a ball


    Some of the fruit industry's major names attended the 55th annual dinner and dance of the fruit importers division of the Fresh Produce Consortium, which took place at the Savoy Hotel on February 17.

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    Mehadrin makes daily progress


    Israeli exporter Mehadrin has committed heavily to retailer support.

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    Jaffa seeks partners for brand expansion


    Israeli citrus brand Jaffa could be used on non-Israeli fruit and even non-citrus fruit by the end of the season, if the Citrus Marketing Board of Israel finds suitable products to complement the brand.

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    Seedless apple on the horizon


    Plant geneticists in New Zealand have moved a step closer in their quest for a commercial variety of seedless apple.

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    Spain sees crop reduced


    Last season's high volume citrus season is taking its toll on trees in 2000-01 with less fruit being produced.

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    Shamouti season starts


    The new Israeli Shamouti season gets under way next week.

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    Chilean citrus opportunities


    There are exciting opportunities for Chilean citrus in export markets if the sector revitalises its varietal mix, according to a leading Chilean agronomist.

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    Rains boost lemon crop in Tucuman


    Weekend rainfall in Tucuman, Argentina has been welcomed by lemon producers.

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    Tucuman faces bright new year


    Prospects in 2001 for Argentina's leading citrus production region are good according to one leading agronomist.

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    Jaffa finds new promo route


    Exporter of Jaffa citrus, Mehadrin, is to back a large promotional campaign for the brand in the UK market this season.

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    UK grapefruit uptake cheers Florida


    While the dollar-euro exchange rate might be depressing sales of Florida grapefruit in continental Europe, the UK's performance is more encouraging.

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    Portuguese citrus given own label


    Portuguese citrus has been awarded a regional certification mark, which can be put on fruit that conforms to a set of rigorous specifications.

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    Chile back on track


    Chilean fruit exports are expecting a return to normal for the 2000-01 season.

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    SA citrus producers to form organisation to co-ordinate export


    After a disastrous 2000, with unco-ordinated marketing efforts leading to unnecessary competition and unplanned consignments, many of South Africa's leading citrus producers have decided to unite to avoid a repeat next year

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    Inspections bear fruit


    Grower groups and officials in Spain say inspection by the authorities of citrus for export is having the desired effect.

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    Jaffa to offer marketing licences


    Despite the closure of the Jaffa UK office, the Citrus Marketing Board of Israel claims it is augmenting its promotion of the Jaffa brand through a licensing system.