Citrus news archive – Page 233

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    Honduras braves floods


    Rainfall and flooding on a scale not seen since Hurricane Mitch hit the Central American country three years ago are sweeping Honduras.

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    Intercitrus books TV promo


    Spanish citrus will be appearing on UK television screens this season in a promotion organised by the Spanish trade association.

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    Argentinean alternatives


    Avocados could be a viable alternative crop for citrus growers in Argentina's lemon growing region of Tucumán.

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    Lemon sector makes plans


    Members of the Tucuman Citrus Association have been meeting to draw up a new strategic vision for their sector.

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    Cuba aims high


    Citrus production in Cuba is expected to reach 1million tonnes in three years time.

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    Top of the crop


    The fresh produce industry still boasts high performing businesses, in spite of the recent spate of liquidations, according to a new report from Plimsoll Publishing.

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    Hurricane wreaks havoc


    Devastating winds and heavy rains bring chaos to the main banana-producing region of Belize.

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    Pascual Hmnos. in trouble


    The beleaguered Spanish supplier is facing being sold off as its troubles deepen.

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    Lemon deal turns sour


    Argentina is gearing up to appeal against a US judge's ruling blocking its lemon exports to the US.

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    Turkish lemons debut


    The citrus season kicks off for Turkey with lemon sendings to the UK.

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    Citrus market strong


    South Africa's citrus growers are closing the 2001 season in much better shape than last year.

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    Reefer revolution


    LauritzenCool has found a new air-circulation system could spell the end of gratings on board reefer vessels.

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    Cuba aims for Europe


    Europe could see more Cuban citrus this season as producers aim to increase their exports to the Old World.

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    Lemons find favour


    Exports of lemons from Argentina have enjoyed a successful summer on European markets.

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    Bumper citrus crop for Florida


    Sunshine state predicts bumper crop for coming season.But sources warn of low rainfall and disease compromising quality.

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    Citrus growers aim high


    ArgentinaÕs beleaguered citrus growers are taking their grievances to the countryÕs president.

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    Argentine citrus forecasts


    Favourable weather boosts Argentine citrus production in 2001

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    Italian citrus production back on track


    Favourable winter weather boosts Italian citrus production in 2000/01

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    Leading forces in Israeli citrus to merge


    Tnuport and Mehadrin, each of which holds approximately 30 per cent of the volume of Israeli citrus exports, announce they are to join operations.

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    Smaller Brazilian orange crop forecast


    Poor weather is likely to result in a 10 per cent reduction in Brazilian orange output in 2001/02.