Citrus news archive – Page 232

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    Argentinean crisis bites into citrus


    Lemon producers and exporters in Argentina are calling for clarification of new regulations as the effects of the country's economic crisis hit their sector.

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    Greeks suffer cold snap


    Greece has become the latest casualty of adverse weather conditions in the Mediterranean citrus belt.

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    Florida avoids freeze


    Low temperatures this week are helping grapefruit development in Florida, provided they stay above freezing.

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    Fair trade branches out


    The first fair-trade mangoes to arrive in the UK go on sale this week.

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    Shamouti rearing to go


    Israeli Shamouti oranges are having the earliest start to their season since 1994 with fruit arriving in the UK already up to three weeks ahead of schedule on an average year.

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    Spain washed out


    Spanish citrus growers are counting the cost of continuing heavy rains.

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    Spanish supplies freeze


    Spanish salad and vegetable production has been hit by freezing temperatures and heavy rainfall.

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    Jaffa shows eastern promise


    Israeli's citrus's Jaffa brand could soon be seen on citrus from other sources in Asian markets.

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    Trade wins Christmas gift


    The national fruit for schools scheme is to be extended to vegetables amid growing Whitehall confidence in the Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC).

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    Israeli merger on


    An Israeli parliamentary sub-committee approves agriculture minister Shalom Simhon's proposal to merge the country's production boards.

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    Big freeze hits Spain


    Low temperatures are set to take their toll on Spanish horticultural production.

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    Capespan begins Turkish business


    South African supplier Capespan this week starts a volume offer of Turkish citrus to the UK market, a product of ongoing development of 12-month supplies from the company.

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    Citrus trade fears


    Producers of citrus in the California, Florida, Texas and Arizona are fearful their industry may be harmed by new legislation just passed by Congress.

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    Spanish citrus ban


    A ban on arrivals of Spanish citrus into the US is reapplied late on December4 following the discovery of suspected Mediterranean fruit-fly larvae in a consignment.

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    Valencia label makes strides


    Just two years since it was set up, the Valencia denomination of origin for citrus, Citricos Valencianos, has carved out a successful niche.

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    Morocco recovers


    Citrus volumes from Morocco are expected to recover this season following the all time low of last season.

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    Cuba counts cost


    The effects of hurricane Michelle on Cuban crops are unclear as continuing rain prevents entry to plantations.

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    Cuba struck by hurricane Michelle


    UK citrus supplier Cuba has been ravaged by the worst storm in 50 years.

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    Hope for Florida's citrus


    Battling against tough times, the Florida citrus industry has at least two reasons for optimism in the long term.

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    Produce gets new Disney brand


    A new 12-month range of fruit for children is to be launched on Monday in Waitrose. After an initial period of exclusivity, the brand will be available to all supermarkets.