Citrus news archive – Page 228

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    Fair deal all round


    The Soil Association and Fairtrade Foundation have joined forces to launch a venture that will combine both organic and Fairtrade certification for UK and imported goods.

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    Pembroke full of puff


    Pembroke Port is hoping to rediscover its fresh produce potential following the opening of Atlantic Industries' cold-storage facility by Welsh First Minister Rhodri Morgan (pictured centre) last month.

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    Santa checks out Spanish clems for Asda


    Santa has been spotted amongst the orange groves of Spain.

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    Anecoop signs Citrus from Valencia deal


    One of the largest Spanish citrus suppliers, Aneccop, has signed an important agreement with Citrus from Valencia.

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    Spanish clems return to firing line


    Grower groups in California are preparing to take the US plant health authority to court over its decision to allow the re-entry of Spanish clementine imports.

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    Italian citrus reduction


    Climatic problems and volcanic ash are threatening this winter's harvest of Italian citrus.

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    Citrus growers demand road repairs


    Lemon producers in the key Tucuman growing area in north-west Argentina are calling on government to fulfil its obligations and improve roads to save citrus exports from damage in transit.

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    Asda on Thames


    Thames Fruit has been named Best Supplier of the Year 2002 by Asda for its "right first time" approach.

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    Spanish citrus triples in value


    Spanish citrus production has tripled invalue over three years, according to Andalusia's agricultural office. The region is now the second highest producing area in Spain, behind Valencia.

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    New grapefruit hybrid on the way


    Florida grapefruit growers are developing a hybrid that is three parts grapefruit, one part tangerine. Early Sweet is designed to appeal to consumers who don't normally enjoy grapefruit.

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    Tristeza virus threatens Florida


    Tristeza which affects citrus production could reduce production of grapefruit in Florida by 14million boxes a year over the next decade, according to the Florida press.

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    Andalusian citrus value soars


    According to information just released by the agriculture office of the Andalusia regional executive, citrus production in the southern Spanish region has tripled in value over the last three years.

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    TSB likes to say yes


    South African citrus exporter TSB Citrus has been Eurep-Gap certified.

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    Spanish citrus races ahead


    Growers in Spain are charging ahead on the citrus harvest as volumes across all varieties are down with minimal overlap as each comes on stream.

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    FDOC publicises new logo


    The Florida Department of Citrus was represented in London today by Mike Burge to publicise the department's new logo. The change will mean there is now just one symbol for all Florida growers, rather than several symbols for different sectors. The logo is expected to be in use from January.

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    H&F hails good citrus crop


    As the Dominican and Honduran grapefruit seasons draw to a close and Cuba winds down, Hart & Friedmann says the period has been good although volumes are down on last year.

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    Fruit South Africa is re-constituted


    The citrus, deciduous and sub-tropical fruit industries of South Africa have reconstituted Fruit South Africa.

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    Jaffa all over the world


    The Jaffa brand will now be used by producers and traders all over the world.

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    Magrabi deepens UK commitment


    Egyptian fresh-produce supplier Magrabi Agriculture is strengthening its commitment to the UK market having been certified compliant to BRC standard issue 3 this autumn.

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    Spain gets Jaffa'd


    Following a highly successful three-month period of bringing Jaffa-branded citrus from South Africa into the UK, MTEX UK has been given license to add the produce industry's most recognised marque to Spanish oranges.