Citrus news archive – Page 215

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    Valencia snaps out of it


    Last week’s cold snap in Valencia has brought relief to citrus growers but is causing problems for producers of salads and sub-tropical lines.

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    Stowaways in orange cargo


    Seven people are being treated for hypothermia after being found in the back of lorryload of oranges in Kent.

  • Dispute surrounds Jaffa brand name

    Dispute surrounds Jaffa brand name


    A row has erupted in Israel after the country’s Patent Office removed the exclusive rights of the citrus sector to the Jaffa brand name.

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    Joined-up approach


    To start the new year, the Journal’s monthly look at the 5 A DAY campaign features one of its five integral strands -

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    Florida canker trouble


    Florida agriculture officials have found further trees infected with citrus canker in the Ruskin area.

  • Spanish citrus sector suffers

    Spanish citrus sector suffers


    The Spanish citrus sector is suffering the worst season in its history, grower representatives said, with farm-gate prices below the cost of production and even marketers reporting a lack of profitability as retailers appear to be the only link in the chain to make gains.

  • New threat for Florida

    New threat for Florida


    Florida citrus growers are facing a new threat to their industry in the form of a deadly virus.

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    Spanish denounce new German tolls


    Spanish exporters are up in arms about new German road tolls for lorries that came into force on January 1.

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    What you saw in 2004


    Last week on freshinfo, we rounded up the stories most visited by you, our readers, in 2004. For those of you who missed the opportunity to look back on an eventful year, here they are again in one fell swoop.

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    Florida citrus industry accuses Brazil


    Florida citrus growers and juicing companies have targeted four Brazilian exporters they accuse of applying unfair pricing policies.

  • That was the year that was - August

    That was the year that was - August


    The past 12 months has been an interesting and exciting year for the fresh produce industry.

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    PGI for Florida oranges


    Florida oranges could be set to be included in the EU system of protected geographic status.

  • Stockings down for citrus

    Stockings down for citrus


    Santa is failing to get citrus fruit into children’s stockings according to a leading fresh produce supplier.

  • Floridian futures in the balance

    Floridian futures in the balance


    Florida citrus producers are considering their futures in the industry, once the hurricane-devastated season draws to a close.

  • Brands fired up

    Brands fired up


    Can you Taste the Difference in the Garden of Delights? Who says it’s Nature’s Choice? And whose Finest really is Extra Special? Tony Leighton trawls through the ever expanding list of supermarket own-labels and wonders: Are the days of the traditional brand name really numbered, as many suspect?

  • Turkish fail to delight

    Turkish fail to delight


    The number of fruit-bearing citrus trees continues to grow in Turkey because of high local and foreign demand, reports Anabella de Sousa. However, the UK’s appetite for Turkish citrus fruit is not matching the expansion.

  • Grapefruit forecast trimmed by 2m boxes

    Florida's citrus crop even lower than forecast


    Florida's orange and grapefruit crops, battered by the unprecedented string of hurricanes, are even smaller than first thought, crop forecasters have said.

  • Pipfruit industry plans the way ahead

    Pipfruit industry plans the way ahead


    Low export prices and a trough in the market have spurred New Zealand pipfruit growers to meet in Nelson next month to ensure a successful future for the pipfruit industry.

  • Egyptian expansion

    Egyptian expansion


    Foreign investment is the driving force behind the massive growth in the Egyptian soft-fruit and citrus sectors, reports Jessica Purbrick-Herbst.

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    Peaches have room to improve


    There are now signs that the southern-hemisphere stone-fruit season is under way, although I am still critical of the