Citrus news archive – Page 209

  • Persimmon crop in abundance

    Persimmon crop in abundance


    Spanish growers of kakifruit, or persimmon, are expecting a record crop this year.

  • Moncada in production

    Spain unveils new easy-peeler


    New easy-peeler Moncada will be planted in the Valencia region next spring.

  • Poupart pumped up

    Poupart pumped up


    The FPJ’s recent article on the UK wholesale trade revealed a general perception that the sector has turned a corner since the dark days of the mid-1990s. Poupart Imports (General Trade), the non-supermarket side of the Poupart Group of companies, is external proof of the trend, having increased its sales by more than 48 per cent in the last 12 months. Tommy Leighton reports.

  • 110 years and counting

    110 years and counting


    The FPJ has come a long way since its first issue was published on October 5 1895. Today’s relaunch coincides with our 110th birthday, so we thought it appropriate to give our modern-day readers an insight into the ways the Journal in its various guises has reflected the changes of this great industry through a century and more. Some things have altered surprisingly little.

  • Article

    Florida production on the rise


    Florida citrus producers are expected to see a rise in production this season, forecasts from the US Department of Agriculture claim.

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    Aussie citrus promotion


    The Australian citrus industry is going on the offensive in a bid to shift an overproduction of Valencia oranges.

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    Spanish fruit-fly breakthrough


    Spanish researchers have developed an integrated system for the transport and release of sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies.

  • Florida faces delay

    Florida faces delay


    Florida grapefruit is behind schedule and canker struck, but at least this season there is fruit, beleagured growers say.

  • Spain stays positive

    Spain stays positive


    Spanish citrus producers are counting the cost of the worst winter weather damage in 20 years. But despite the inevitable drop in production figures and the resultant potential for loss of market share, major citrus industry players are managing to remain in positive mood as they look ahead to the pre and post-Christmas sales periods. Tony Leighton reports.

  • Up and coming Uruguay

    Up and coming Uruguay


    Think of South American apples and Chile, Brazil and Argentina spring to mind. But what about Uruguay? Kathy Hammond finds out.

  • Spain faces worst citrus season for 20 years

    Spain faces worst citrus season for 20 years


    A massive decline in volume means Spanish growers need strong prices for their remaining fruit.

  • Morocco weather threat to citrus

    Morocco weather threat to citrus


    Severe lack of rainfall in the Souss area of Morocco is threatening the viability of the 2005-06 citrus crop.

  • Charl Du Bois and André de Klerk

    South African grape hopes


    South African exporters looks forward to next grape season with confidence.

  • Colleges report renewed interest

    Colleges report renewed interest


    With the fresh produce industry under increasing pressure to tighten its belts and maximise efficiency, no company can afford to carry incompetent members of staff. At the same time, companies need to address the ways in which they can appeal to young people desperately needed to take them forward. In the fourth of our profiles on recruitment and training Elspeth Waters talks to some of the people trying to shape the fresh produce virtuosos of tomorrow.

  • Article

    A curious trip up the retail aisles


    Walking the shelves this week looking for new products, sources, packs and anything else that records the march of fresh

  • Sainsbury's grabs gratsuma

    Sainsbury's grabs gratsuma


    Sainsbury’s has unveiled a new line in citrus, the gratsuma.

  • Israeli citrus season success

    Israeli citrus season success


    Israeli producers are celebrating an excellent citrus season, with volumes in the UK said to be up by 50 per cent.

  • Article

    Florida loss needs to be recognised


    Watching the scenes of devastation on America’s east coast this week puts some of our own weather concerns into the

  • Organics at vital stage

    Organics at vital stage


    Thanks to an increasing number of sales channels and the odd celebrity chef endorsement, the organic sector appears to be thriving. But can we believe the hype? New, emerging issues are proving that the industry is not unshakable. Emma Twyning reports.

  • Article

    Spanish citrus drop


    Spanish Navelina production is being forecast to fall by up to 60 per cent, producers claimed.