Citrus news archive – Page 208

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    Felixstowe exercise to last four weeks


    Defra’s plant health division started a four-week period of 100 per cent inspections at Felixstowe this week of all produce subject to the revised EU plant-health regime.

  • Spain’s Brillante hopes

    Spain’s Brillante hopes


    Valencia’s growers are tempting UK supermarkets this season by creating an exotic image for the natural mutation of a fruit which can trace its origins back hundreds of years to Asia. David Shapley reports.

  • Cyprus steps up a gear

    Cyprus steps up a gear


    Hopes are high that Cyprus’ entry to the EU will enable the fresh produce industry to bloom. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

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    Grape change for South African producer


    This year’s South African grape season will spell great change for one of the Orange River region’s best-known suppliers.

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    Produce on the rise as health hits home


    Health is the fastest growing motivator for food shopping and vegetable consumption is on the rise, according to latest figures.

  • CLAM up, despite downs

    CLAM up, despite downs


    The total citrus yield in 2004/05 in the Mediterranean Basin countries amounted to 18.15 million tonnes, out of the global citrus yield of 91.5mt. However, delegates at the recent annual meeting of CLAM (Liaison Committee for Mediterranean Citrus Fruit Culture), were told that the total citrus yield of CLAM members was 4.5 per cent higher than the forecast of 17.4mt given at the beginning of the 2004/05 season. Of the total yield, 7.8mt were used for local consumption in the respective countries, 3.3mt for processing, loss and damages accounted for 1.2mt, and 5.8mt were exported.

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    Everlasting summer making impact across the board


    It’s certainly going down on record as an elongated summer, and I must assume not just in the UK. Sweetcorn harvesting

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    Aussies make China breakthrough


    Australian citrus has broken down the trade barriers and will be exported to China next year.

  • Florida grapefruit slashed by Wilma

    Florida grapefruit slashed by Wilma


    The cost of hurricane Wilma to Florida’s citrus sector is estimated to hit $180m, early reports claimed.

  • Zim minister seizes citrus export land

    Zim minister seizes citrus export land


    A Zimbabwean government minister has seized one of the country’s largest citrus fruit estates and forced out the white owner, as senior government and security officials step up a fresh round of farm seizures.

  • Israel shrugs off shake-up

    Israel shrugs off shake-up


    Israel’s horticultural sector has experienced something of an upheaval during the past year, with the arrival of a new exporting player onto the scene. However, despite certain shifts in management and grower allegiances, those involved seem to be taking it all in their stride, and hopes are high for a productive winter. Elspeth Waters reports.

  • Christmas is coming

    Christmas is coming


    Retailers are gearing up for one of the best selling periods in the calendar. Doris Lee Butterworth gets into the Christmassy mood.

  • Wilma furthers Florida heartache

    Wilma furthers Florida heartache


    Florida citrus producers’ run of misfortune continues after hurricane Wilma brought severe damage to grapefruit production in the Gulf region of south-west Florida.

  • Celebrations in August, when Asian Citrus signed up to AIM

    Asian Citrus seals supermarket deal


    AIM-quoted orange plantation owner Asian Citrus has signed its first contract to supply oranges to a supermarket in China.

  • Citrus from Valencia slumps

    Citrus from Valencia slumps


    The regulatory council for protected geographical indicator Citrus from Valencia has announced that volumes marketed under the new label last season fell dramatically.

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    CLAM citrus data released


    The total citrus yield in 2004/05 in the Mediterranean Basin countries amounted to 18.15 million tonnes, out of the global citrus yield of 91.5mt.

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    Hurricane heads for Florida


    Western Cuba has been lashed by hurricane Wilma as the high winds now head for south-western Florida due to strike this afternoon.

  • Florida prepares for Wilma

    Florida prepares for Wilma


    Florida's grapefruit growers are bracing themselves for hurricane Wilma, with the category 4 storm expected to strike on Sunday.

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    Spanish strike disruption


    A two-day transport strike in Spain finished on Wednesday as drivers ironed out grievances with government and industry, although fresh produce senders and UK importers do not expect deliveries to get back to normality until Sunday.

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    Florida's grapefruit rise


    Florida is expecting to produce 88 per cent more grapefruit this year, with experts claiming the crop as evidence the state's grapefruit industry is recovering from the hurricanes of 2004.