Citrus news archive – Page 206

  • Turners’ critical mass

    Turners’ critical mass


    After five years of existence in the realm of consolidation and packing, Turners PPL is ready to up its game. Elspeth Waters visited the Newmarket site to see how the company’s latest developments are shaping up.

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    Vietnam's grapefruit confusion


    A promotional website, set up to advertise grapefruit has fallen foul of the government in Vietnam over fears the sites name could be mistaken for the word penis.

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    Words do come easy to M&S and its customer network


    There’s no question about it in my mind. Customers at Marks & Spencer should be getting the message at the moment -

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    Strong show from Turkey


    Turkish producers were celebrating successes at Fruit Logistica last week.

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    Kinow, the superior mandarin from Pakistan


    The Pakistan Consulate in Germany was at Fruit Logistica to promote kinow mandarins.Almost the national fruit in Pakistan, in Europe kinow mandarins have so far generally only been seen in selected specialist outlets. But the larger version of the popular citrus fruit has a high juice content (more than 50 per cent) and a high concentration of Vitamin C, at 32 mg/100ml. It is also extremely easy to peel, said Marion Boulris from the Pakistan Consulate.Around three million tonnes of kinow is produced annually in Pakistan, and this figure is still on the rise.

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    Peru looks to export expansion


    Peruvian producers are looking to expand their product range on the export market.

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    EU expansion fears only partly founded


    Were the fears expressed by European fruit and vegetable growers regarding the latest round of expansion of the EU justified? Only in some respects, according to Dr Wilhelm Ellinger of the Central Market and Price Reporting Office (ZMP) in Bonn.

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    NZ citrus heads to US


    New Zealand citrus growers are looking to make their fortune with new exports to the US market.

  • Spain suffers big freeze

    Spain suffers big freeze


    Freezing temperatures have struck Spain at almost exactly the same time as last year’s frosts, again wreaking havoc with a whole range of crops.

  • Spanish lemon crisis

    Spanish lemon crisis


    The Spanish lemon sector is facing its deepest crisis in living memory, the director of sector body Ailimpo told FPJ.

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    Capespan restructures


    Capespan has shaken up its South African procurement operations, Capespan Exports.

  • What’s the alternative?

    What’s the alternative?


    To supply or not to supply? That has never been the question for the world’s fresh produce exporters when it comes to the UK market. Until now. Growers around the world, fed up with receiving what they see as inadequate returns for adhering to the tightest standards, are beginning to seek alternative avenues.

  • Spanish citrus con row

    Spanish citrus con row


    A handful of desperate growers in the Valencia region of Spain have been picking and marketing immature Ortanique easy-peelers.

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    A new cycle in the fresh arena


    Browsing through press cuttings over the last week, both in trade and national media, I have once again been struck by the

  • Produced in Taiwan

    Produced in Taiwan


    Taiwan may have been famed for its cheap and cheerful consumer goods, but now the country is hoping to achieve wider recognition for its high quality fruit and vegetable production as it looks to rebuild in the wake of a major natural disaster. Ed Bedington reports from Taiwan.

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    Retail all “new” language of labels


    it is now back to normal after the holiday, but over this period I noticed that availability on many shelves seemed to be down

  • Clementines are suffering some of the lowest prices

    Spanish citrus outrage


    Farm-gate prices are less than a quarter the cost of production on some varieties prompting growers to take action.

  • Graham Young

    New year resolve


    At times the fresh produce industry may seem very small and well-connected but the links rely on a staggeringly large number of individuals with very diverse responsibilities. As another new year dawns, many will be taking stock and preparing targets for the weeks and months ahead. Elspeth Waters caught up with six of the people involved in the industry, both in the UK and abroad, to find out what they remember of last year and what they are expecting from 2006.

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    Industry needs to plot safe course


    Plotting the course of the fresh produce industry over the next 12 months is, to my mind, rather like reviewing any one of the

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    Bach invite strikes the right chord


    It is encouraging to report some good news from the wholesale sector to start 2006. While only the naive would expect a