Citrus news archive – Page 205

  • Article

    Israel juggles higher volumes and costs


    Exports and costs were up across Israel’s agricultural sector at the end of last year, according to recent reports.

  • Morocco plans citrus relaunch

    Morocco plans citrus relaunch


    Moroccan growers are set to develop plans to relaunch their sector at their agm on April 4.

  • Citrus growers face drought

    Citrus growers face drought


    Cirus growers in the Corrientes area of Argentina are seeking state help to try and alleviate the problems caused by drought in the region.

  • Juicy Spanish oranges get new ad campaign

    Juicy Spanish oranges get new ad campaign


    Foods from Spain has launched an advertising campaign to promote Spanish oranges in the UK.

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    Aussies eye Chinese citrus challenge


    Australian Horticultural Exporters Association (AHEA) has released a strategy document regarding the proposed marketing strategy for Australian citrus to China.

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    Sunkist in Taylor link-up


    Two leading lights in the US fresh produce industry are joining forces to expand their presence in the fresh-cut fruit segment.

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    Citrus left on Almeria trees


    Grower groups in Almería in south-eastern Spain are warning that citrus producers are suffering from a weak market and are leaving tonnes of fruit on trees.

  • Selection of Outspan satsumas

    South African citrus sets sail


    The first volumes of Outspan easy-peel are on the water as South Africa contends with a mix of weather conditions at the season's outset.

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    Spanish supply hit by winds


    Strong winds in south-eastern Spain have damaged plastic tunnels and swept fruit and blossom from trees.

  • Interfresh ends Capespan deal

    Interfresh ends Capespan deal


    Zimbabwean group Interfresh has terminated its deal with Capespan as it was not adding value to operations in Zimbabwe.

  • Steep learning curve

    Steep learning curve


    Giving free fruit to children seems admirable in anyone’s book, but the school scheme appears to have courted nothing but negative attention in recent months. Elspeth Waters caught up with some of the key players in the SFVS to get a more balanced evaluation of its activities.

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    Import changes may spell trouble


    The European Commission is discussing the future of the Entry Price System, a measure to protect the EU market from cheap

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    Argentinean lemons in crisis


    The lemon sector in Tucuman - the principal growing region in Argentina - is in crisis, its leaders have said.

  • Fairtrade fair world

    Fairtrade fair world


    Demand for Fairtrade products is at an all-time high but many supporters believe more can still be achieved. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

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    Florida awarded canker compensation


    The US department of agriculture has announced a further $100 million in citrus canker compensation for the state of Florida.

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    Citrus sectors in international link


    Citrus Growers in Andalusia and Morocco have reached a ground-breaking agreement which will see greater co-operation and investment between them.

  • Israel’s citrus strength

    Israel’s citrus strength


    Volumes may have been lower this year, but the Israeli citrus sector has maintained a strong performance, despite the inevitable issues of rising costs, but can they persuade the consumer to peel? Ed Bedington reports.

  • Strong year for Fairtrade

    Strong year for Fairtrade


    Fairtrade fruit organisation AgroFair UK has announced a successful year’s trading, recording a 50 per cent year-on-year increase for Fairtrade pineapple sales.

  • Book charts SA citrus transformation

    Book charts SA citrus transformation


    A new book published by the Citrus Growers’ Association of South Africa (CGA) charts the industry progress against a backdrop of reform and transformation.

  • Florida facing cold snap

    Florida facing cold snap


    Florida fruit and vegetable growers are taking steps to prevent the state’s recent cold snap from affecting crops.