Citrus news archive – Page 181

  • Article

    Citrus giants buy up land


    Californian company Paramount Citrus is adding to its 30,000 acres of citrus with the purchase of 1,000 acres of land to expand its clementine production and growth of its Cuties California Clementines brand.

  • Israel citrus

    Israel's citrus exports, production to rise


    A new USDA report has pegged citrus production to increase during 2008/09 despite a cold spell early in 2008

  • Valencia kaki promotion

    Authenticity headlines kaki drive


    Legally registered in Spain this year, the Persimon brand aims to differentiate Protected Denomination of Origin kakis as authentic, unique and original

  • Safety first

    Safety first


    Due to the UK’s strict standards and procedures, the fresh produce industry is a relatively low-risk area when it comes to food safety. But, with further salad-related food scares hitting both across the pond and on home soil, the UK cannot afford to be complacent. Elizabeth O’Keefe reports.

  • Article

    MTEX UK makes most of new Jaffa indentity


    Marius du Plessis took the reins as general manager of Mehadrin Tnuport Export (MTEX)’s UK office just over a year ago. Laura Gould caught up with him to find out how he is enjoying the role and how the update of the Jaffa brand for citrus is progressing.

  • Article

    Christmas cheer manifests itself in the produce isles


    December has only just arrived, but there are already signs that the multiples have Christmas very much in mind, probably as

  • Article

    Spanish deal with citrus crisis


    The spanish citrus sector was this week facing unrest as grower groups stepped up pressure for a general strike.

  • chinese mandarins shenzhen 2008

    Chinese citrus production rises


    China’s end of year citrus production will have increased 10 per cent over 2007, according to the USDA

  • Grapefruit

    Storm aids Florida grapefruit crop


    The hurricane season brought added moisture to the fruit, but high winds hindered the containment of citrus canker

  • Article

    Murcia’s crisis-hit citrus sector calls for aid


    Asaja Murcia has called on the Spanish authorities to help ease the affects of soaring production costs on the region’s citrus sector

  • Article

    Costa Rica set for bumper orange crop


    New trees coming into production are expected to boost the crop during 2008/09

  • generic lemons

    Argentine lemons ‘may have to wait’ for US access


    A change in administration and the current global financial crisis could conspire to prevent Argentine lemons entering the US market this year

  • Mexican limes

    Mixed forecast for Mexican citrus


    Orange volumes will fall, although lime and grapefruit production is expected to increase on the previous year, the USDA reported

  • A Univeg packhouse in Brazil

    Katopé Malet Azoulay unveils name change


    Katopé Malet Azoulay is changing its name to become Univeg Katopé (UK) Ltd and launching a new UK subsidiary of the Univeg group: Univeg Direct (UK) Ltd.

  • Florida grapefruit

    Audio | Florida's fittest are prospering


    The Sunshine State's grapefruit business is changing: an audio essay by Chris White of Eurofruit Magazine

  • Sicily Italy red orange

    Italian orange production to fall


    Country will import larger volume of oranges this season, according to Ismea, as production across southern Italy decreases

  • limes

    Peru conquers new international markets


    The South American country’s fresh produce trade continues to boom as new markets around the world open up to its range of fruits including citrus

  • lemons

    Spain suspends Class 2 lemon sales


    The country’s lemon sector has suspended sales of Class 2 products due to poor returns

  • Might of Morocco

    Might of Morocco


    Over the last few years, Morocco has worked hard to secure its reputation in the hearts and minds of UK importers as a reliable source of high-quality fruit and vegetables in the winter months - and this season will be no exception, as Laura Gould finds out

  • Blues brothers in arms

    Blues brothers in arms


    Blueberries from Chile, Argentina and Uruguay make up the backbone of the fruit’s winter supply to the UK. Now that volumes from all three countries are rocketing just as growers and exporters are facing mounting pressures, a three-way promotional campaign has been introduced to boost sales of the fruit in the UK. Anna Sbuttoni reports from South America