Brassica news archive – Page 47
Fungicides granted SOLA
Three key fungicides receive seal of approval.The Horticultural Development Council authorises Amistar, Metalaxyl and Invader.
UK onion update predicts variable season
A wet spring and reduced plantings have both contributed to a predicted shortfall in the UK onion crop.
EcoSpray launches new moth trap
EcoSpray has designed a new trap to help reduce damage from diamond back moth caterpillars in brassica crops.
UK onions face drilling crisis
Onions could be in short supply if producers do not take action now to adjust their drilling programmes and varietal sequence.
Sprout fan enters record book
Brussels sprouts' popularity climbed to new heights at a recent record-setting event.
New brooms sweep in at HDC
Six positions on the Horticultural Development Council field vegetables panel have been filled for the next three years.
Top brass and brassicas
An East Anglian vegetable grower was honoured with a royal visit earlier this month.
HRI to research cabbage aphid
Horticulture Research International has launched research into cabbage aphids, in the hope of eventually developing plants resistant to the bug.
Produce supplies weather storms
The storms and floods that have ravaged the UK during the last week have affected significant volumes of fresh produce.
HDC seeks sector panel candidates
The Horticultural Development Council is in search of nominations to its specialist grower group panels.
Elsoms announces birth of new baby-leaves
A trials open day at seed-breeder Elsoms revealed advances in brassica, herb and salad varieties.
Continuity of field crops shaken by record wet weather
UK growers of field crops warn that heavy disruption has been caused to the drilling and planting calendar, as a result of the wettest April and May on record for parts of the country.
Super broccoli to combat cancer
A new broccoli hybrid developed in the UK is set to play a role in the fight against cancer, if it is successful in nutritional trials next year.
Novartis looks to promote Brussels
Novartis Seeds is working with growers to encourage increased consumption of Brussels sprouts.
Tinsley preaches to "diverse church"
IGD fresh produce sector chairman Mark Tinsley told delegates at its annual conference that the food industry needs a single body to back it.
UK brassica conference 2000
The first brassica conference of the new millennium will take place on January 27.
Olga and CWS launch veg venture
CWS Broadoak, part of CWS Farms Group, together with Old Leake Growers Association (Olga) has formed new trading venture called Yorkshire Vegetables.
Eastern promise for UK brassicas
Eastern European buyers have visited one of the UK's best-established exporters of brassicas ö welcome news as the UK market fights overcrowding.