Brassica news archive – Page 42
Spaldings targets top and soft fruit
Top-fruit and soft-fruit growers have been identified as potential new customers by Spaldings, the Lincoln-based direct distributor of agriculture and ground care machinery.
SEF aims to treble production
Grower of the Year, Southern England Farms, is growing three times the volume of brassicas in Cornwall this season, compared to the 2004-05 crop year.
Seminis offers late varieties
Growers will be able to plant new late autumn cauliflower varieties from Seminis this summer in full commercial volumes.
Don’t call the carrot humble
Coming through my mail box this week have been some pretty impressive statistics concerning the carrot, namely that the UK
Mack and Geest sign jv
Mack and Geest have set up a jv to manage their potato and conventional and organic vegetable business with Marks & Spencer.
Simple ideas prove the best as focus shifts to fruit
Fruit seems to come more into focus on multiple shelves at this time of the year. Whether it is the change of season from
PVGA makes new appointment
The Processed Vegetable Growers Association (PVGA) in Louth have announced the appointment of David Tebbutt as business development executive.
Science going global
Innovation, added value and being consumer-led are all vital in the fresh produce sector and are frequently cited by companies in these pages as what keeps them ahead of the game. But behind the buzz words are hundreds of projects taking place around the world as part of a global network of research and development. English-speaking countries are well placed to benefit with English the international language of science. Kathy Hammond looks at the internationalisation of R&D in horticulture and fresh produce.
Text service to warn of crop disease
UK brassica growers are being offered a hi-tech new disease warning service, with a little help from their mobile phone.
Sprouts having a top season
The Brussels sprout job has had one of its most successful seasons ever.
Building a Cornish empire
With modern-day logistics allowing vegetables to be procured from across the world to obtain a seamless annual supply, British agriculture is often ignored in favour of cheap imports from foreign shores. But what if a British grower could produce superior local crops that matched the price of imports, all year round? Emma Twyning finds out how Cornish brassica business Southern England Farms is changing the supply rules and why it has become so successful.
Multiples claim Christmas success
Ahead of official Christmas trading figures, major multiples are already proclaiming their triumphs in the produce aisles during December.
Onion producers hopeful
Faced with selling an onion crop which is 15 per cent lighter than last season and consequently in better balance, UK growers are hopeful that prices will be far better than the rock bottom levels of 2004-2005.
A fresh case of wait and see
In trading terms, it is normally a question of wait and see at this time of the year, what with the festive season looming
New vegetable promo push
Carrots look set to become the next vegetable to benefit from a tailor-made pr campaign.
Cornish boost from Tesco
Cornish vegetable producer Southern England Farms (SEF) has been awarded a direct contract by Tesco to become a primary supplier of vegetables
Pettitt new vice-chair for NFU horticulture
A brassica expert has been appointed to the role of vice-chairperson of the NFU’s horticulture board.
Somerfield recruits new veg buyer
Ex Soil Association and Sainsbury’s man bolsters Somerfield’s fresh produce buying team.
"Superweed" fears played down
Scientists are playing down fears following the discovery of a so-called “superweed” at a site where GM crop have been trialled.