Brassica news archive – Page 39

  • Baby blues

    Baby blues


    The popularity of the baby veg category presents growers with what is arguably the best opportunity they have had in years to get consumers eating their greens again, but this summer’s contrary weather seems to have slammed the brakes on any immediate growth. Laura Gould talks to leading producers to find out what the next few months has in store.

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    The industry will not lose its spirit


    I get the feeling that the natural resilience of the industry is being tested to breaking point at the present time, and will

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    Bulb Company joins Maurice Crouch


    The Bulb Company has become part of the Maurice Crouch Group.

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    Brassica conference starts the New Year


    This year Biennial Brassica Growers Conference held in association with the Horticultural Development Council will be held on January 9, 2008 at Warwick HRI, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire.

  • Rhizoctonia warning for lettuce growers

    Rhizoctonia warning for lettuce growers


    Manufacturer Scotts has adviced lettuce growers to take action to control diseases caused by rhizoctonia solani.

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    A fortnight is a long time in the produce industry


    What a difference a fortnight makes in the produce trade. Earlier in August, displays of English brassicas ravaged by the

  • Avoid climatic consequences

    Avoid climatic consequences


    The possible consequences of climate change have been well documented this year and, with the UK forecast to have hotter, drier summers and warmer, wetter winters, the fresh produce industry is working to adapt to future conditions. But a new survey shows that UK growers believe climate change could benefit their businesses. Anna Sbuttoni reports.

  • Spanish growers pressured

    Spanish growers pressured


    Spanish producers are under pressure from the UK to fill gaps in supply on some lines while demand for others has waned, leading to a build up in volumes.

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    Rare sources abound but UK trumps on fruit


    the impact of the recent deluge in the UK is now making its presence felt, particularly among brassicas on the supermarket

  • Wigram leaves G's

    Wigram leaves G's


    Tim Wigram is to leave his position as commercial director of onions at G’s Marketing on August 17.

  • Onions set to increase share

    Onions set to increase share


    With the introduction of earlier brown and red set varieties, the maturity window of UK onions will be stretched, helping the UK crop to eat into imports, writes Sue Jupe.

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    Syngenta beefs up Amistar


    Syngenta has beefed up its fungicide, Amistar, promising enhanced protection for brassica growers.

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    Multi veg protection


    Growers of brassica, carrot and leek crops are being promised the chance to control all of the key fungal pathogens as well as enhance plant growth.

  • Ring spot alert for brassicas

    Ring spot alert for brassicas


    Brassica growers are being warned to keep their eyes open for ring spot.

  • Vegetable alarms ringing

    Vegetable alarms ringing


    The wettest June on record and a below-par July so far mean that most crops are suffering at a time when demand for them is unseasonably high.

  • Brassica growers on the ropes

    Brassica growers on the ropes


    Cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage growers are facing a very difficult time which may even lead to some considering alternative crops because of the cost getting back on track after the prolonged rainfall.

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    Friends can prove greatest enemies


    It seems as if a high proportion of growers worldwide are once again counting their costs. In this case, it is not so much a

  • Rains cause catastrophic losses

    Rains cause catastrophic losses


    Growers are reporting massive losses following the brutal floods of the past two weeks, and many are now calling on supermarkets to help shoulder part of the burden.

  • Signum could aid summer brassica crop

    Signum could aid summer brassica crop


    The summer brassica crop could fall foul of downy mildew and white blister this season, according to experts, but fungicide Signum could be the answer to growers’ prayers.

  • Robotany



    In the second of two features looking at how mechanised technology is helping growers become more efficient, Larry Saunders investigates how robotics is influencing the way that crops are produced.