Brassica news archive – Page 38

  • Dutch success for Syngenta

    Dutch success for Syngenta


    S&G brand’s first International Open Day in Andijk, the Netherlands, last month, was a great success, according to Syngenta Seeds.

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    CRB loses licence appeal


    A labour provider in north-west England has lost on appeal its application for a renewal of its licence to supply labour to the fresh produce sector.

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    Veg makes valiant comeback amid autumnal hues


    Colour is the spice of life on the retail shelf, and you usually get what you see. However, I was rather surprised to note

  • UK carrots at boiling point

    UK carrots at boiling point


    UK carrot growers are “beyond crisis point”, as supermarket price battles take no heed of the worst growing season in living memory and are pushing the sector to the brink of survival.

  • Welberry

    Sprout prices must rise


    Stark crop reductions in Brussels sprouts from Lincolnshire mean prices paid by multiples must rise, say growers.

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    Remember, you read it here first


    Reading is probably one of the best places in the UK to hear balanced opinions about the eventual impact of climate change.

  • Mini trial plots at Elsoms

    Elsoms throws doors open to visitors


    Elsoms Seeds is holding a brassica open day on October 11, next Thursday, at its premises just north of Spalding.

  • Cauli wobbles or business as usual?

    Brassica shake-up on the horizon


    Emmett UK Ltd has reached an agreement to purchase the shares of brassica supplier TA Smith & Co (Tasco).

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    Sakata to release brassicas


    Seed company Sakata UK will release its first commercial seeds for 2008 production of broccoli Naxos F1 at its annual open days on October 10 and 11.

  • Helping the crops grow

    Helping the crops grow


    With growers under pressure to improve quality and shelf life while controlling input costs, Commercial Grower looks at developments in the feeds and fertiliser sector.

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    Sakata releases broccoli strains


    Seed company Sakata UK will release its first commercial seeds for 2008 production of broccoli Naxos F1 at its annual open days on October 10 and 11.

  • Machinery gears up

    Machinery gears up


    New machines that boost efficiency and reduce labour costs are a welcome addition to the equipment available for vegetable and salad crop production. Mike Williams looks at some of the recent arrivals.

  • Leaf disease brings more gloom

    Leaf disease brings more gloom


    The Alium and Brassica Centre (ABC) has reported that this year’s difficult growing season is set to become even worse, with high levels of leaf disease emerging earlier than usual this year.

  • PSPS parts company with FEASTnet

    PSPS parts company with FEASTnet


    The future of the Public Sector Produce Supplies (PSPS) grower co-operative is in some doubt after it emerged this week that the organisation has severed ties with the company administering its schools contract.

  • Graham Ward: learning curve

    Row curtails grower/public-sector partnership


    The future of the Public Sector Produce Supplies (PSPS) grower co-operative is in some doubt after it emerged this week that the organisation has severed ties with the company administering its schools contract.

  • Pesticides under pressure

    Pesticides under pressure


    Proposed changes at EU level to the amount of pesticide allowed on crops could have a seismic impact upon the industry. Michael Barker gauges reaction and asks what the effect of the proposals could be.

  • Spalding - still got it

    Spalding - still got it


    The UK’s foremost fresh produce hub is situated in the heart of the fens in Spalding and, with a network of related businesses based within a few miles of each other, the area is a major focal point for the trade. Anna Sbuttoni reports.

  • Broccoli good for immune system

    Broccoli good for immune system


    Broccoli has immune-boosting properties and can help fight cancer, according to a new study led by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley.

  • Scorching heat is taking its toll in Murcia

    Veg threat widens across Europe


    Vegetable supplies are under further threat, with the UK experiencing more rain, a similar picture in France, and producers in southern Spain warning that their drought conditions will severely hinder autumn and winter supplies.

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    Brassica conference dates set


    The Biennial Brassica Growers’ Conference will be held on January 9 at Warwick HRI in Wellesbourne, Warwickshire.