Brassica news archive – Page 33
Movento approval for Bayer
Bayer CropScience has gained UK approval for its new insecticide Movento, which contains the active substance spirotetramat.
Mixed feelings over recession from prepared category
The last 18 months have given the prepared sector a much-needed reality check and it is now finally showing signs of coming out the other side of the recession fitter and healthier. Innovation is starting to seep through, however, prepared fruit remains the poor relation. Elizabeth O’Keefe reports
Notts scientist in brassica boost
Plant nutrition scientists at the University of Nottingham have just secured funding to carry out research into bio-fortifying brassicas to boost dietary intakes of calcium and magnesium.
Study highlights Tenderstem tenderness
Research from scientists at Warwick University has shown that Tenderstem broccoli beats all for tenderness
Rainfall takes its toll in Spain
Heavy rainfall that brought flooding to parts of Spain last week is proving a mixed blessing to different crops.
Cabbage storage product welcomed
A new specific off-label approval for Rovral WG for the control of Botrytis in cabbages post-harvest has been welcomed by brassica growers ahead of this year’s harvest.
Dry weather hits brassicas
The very dry weather is taking its toll on cauliflower crops in Lincolnshire and leading to some interruptions in supply.
Retailers mix past and present in produce offer
I felt a distinct tug at my memory this week when passing the melon section in Asda. Spanish Piel de Sapo is now very much
Organic insecticide approved for use
The insecticide Spruzit (pyrethrin and rapeseed oil) has been approved for use by organic growers and can now be applied using horizontal boom-mounted sprayers.
Herbicide Totril re-approved
The herbicide Totril has been re-approved for use on leek, onion, garlic and shallot crops.
Brassica event set for Lincoln
The Brassica Growers’ Biennial Conference and Trade Exhibition is to be held on January 19, 2010 at the Lincolnshire Showground in Grange-de-Lings, Lincoln.
Vegetable industry continues to shine through recession
With an abundance of new-season vegetables coming out of the fields throughout the UK, the vegetable sector is thriving. Elizabeth O’Keefe finds that the category, as well as demand, is on the up
New import controls on Thai, Turkish and Dom Rep lines
New EU import controls for high-risk products, including bananas and mangoes from the Dominican Republic and some vegetables from Thailand, come into force on January 25 next year.
Trans-Tasman project leads to Booster Broccoli
Australian and New Zealand scientists have been working together to develop Booster Broccoli, which has gone into supermarkets in both countries this week.
Australia debuts cancer-fighting broccoli
A new cancer-fighting, antioxidant-loaded broccoli variety is the first in a set to hit the market from Australian scientists
The land of plenty
Marketed as the jewel in the UK food industry’s crown, Lincolnshire produces a substantial amount of the fruit and vegetables consumed throughout the country. Due to the county’s rich and fertile soils, it is the UK’s largest producer of potatoes and also specialises in brassicas, soft fruit, salads and peas. In the second of FPJ’s regional reports on Lincolnshire, Elizabeth O’Keefe clocks up more than 300 miles to take a further look at what the fresh produce industry in the county can offer.
Pressure on consumer spend takes effect in the aisles
In the prevailing economic climate, there is no doubt that pack size has become more important, and also taken on an
Bellaverde set for UK growth
A new sweet-tasting broccoli variety is to hit supermarket shelves this month, backed by a celebrity PR campaign
Warming to change
The recession may have taken some of the heat off the issue of climate change, but it is still firmly on the agenda. With the recent release of UK climate projections and the government proposing funds to help developing countries deal with climate change, the fresh produce sector is being urged to adapt to this significant challenge. Doris Lee Butterworth investigates
Cauli supplies feel the squeeze
A tightening of availability of UK cauliflower will be short-lived, according to the brassica sector’s leader.