Brassica news archive – Page 31

  • Onions with Downy Mildew

    New onion fungicide introduced


    A new fungicide will help bulb onion growers improve disease control and crop quality.

  • Cauli sector mounts its defence

    Cauli sector mounts its defence


    The cauliflower sector has hit back at national press coverage suggesting cauliflower’s days are numbered among UK consumers.

  • Nigel Jenney

    FPC calls for more high-risk evidence


    The Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) says it needs more evidence today on the burden high-risk import controls are putting on the industry.

  • Vegetable industry prays for sunshine to break through

    Vegetable industry prays for sunshine to break through


    The uncharacteristically cool spring has put the vegetable industry back as much as three weeks and demand for winter warmers is still going strong. As Spanish supply comes to an end, vegetable growers in the UK are willing the sun to come out. Elizabeth O’Keefe reports

  • Last year's event proved a great success

    Elsoms Seeds hosts open days


    Elsoms Seeds is to host two open days later this year to showcase a number of trials on vegetable crops.

  • Roscoff

    Work to begin on Roscoff port


    The western French port, used for vegetable exports to the UK, is set to be modernised to enable the entry of larger vessels

  • Article

    SOLA success for Stomp Aqua


    The latest Specific Off-Label Approval (SOLA) for the residual herbicide Stomp Aqua in outdoor cabbage has won the support of vegetable grower Stephen Watkins.

  • New Tenderstem logo

    Tenderstem plots brand relaunch


    Broccoli variety set for a brand overhaul, with new logo and website to be unveiled in conjunction with Vitality Show appearance

  • A bitter winter shakes vegetable sector to core

    A bitter winter shakes vegetable sector to core


    What is being hailed as the UK’s worst winter in 30 years has knocked the vegetable sector for six. Crops have been freezing in the field, while demand for winter warmers is through the roof. Elizabeth O’Keefe surveys the damage

  • Angered: Nigel Jenney

    Import regulation causes industry consternation


    A new regulation affecting produce imports has angered the trade amid allegations of government hypocrisy over cutting red tape.

  • Article

    Intriguing new descriptions push home health message


    Intriguing new descriptions push home health message

  • Dr Richard Meredith

    Bayer to launch Movento in spring


    Bayer CropScience will launch a revolutionary new chemical in the spring that will eradicate sucking pests from brassica and lettuce.

  • Garner calls for fresh thinking

    Garner calls for fresh thinking


    Younger consumers need to be the target of the brassica industry, TNS consumer trend expert Ed Garner told delegates at the Brassica Growers’ Biennial Conference and Trade Exhibition.

  • brassicas

    Light cook helps vegetables fight cancer


    Australian scientists have discovered that lightly cooking some vegetables maximises their anti-cancer qualities

  • Article

    Pallet supplier showcases range

    2010-02-03T17:01:01Z, the UK’s leading independent supplier of plastic pallets and boxes, showcased a selection of plastic field to packhouse products, including hygienic containers, storage trays and boxes that stack, nest and fold, at the Brassica Growers’ Association exhibition.

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    Waitrose set to innovate


    Waitrose will work with its brassica growers to bring something new to the market and sustain the industry, according to the retailer’s technical manager for agronomy, Alan Wilson.

  • Love Your Greens campaign gets go ahead

    Love Your Greens campaign gets go ahead


    The new £25,000-budget brassica PR campaign will focus on the promotion of broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, swede and cabbage over the next two years, Pam Lloyd and Madeleine Waters of Pam Lloyd PR told Brassica Growers’ BiennialConference and Trade Exhibition industry.

  • Article

    Brassica Conference focuses on PR


    The Brassica Growers’ Biennial Conference and Trade Exhibitionbrought together the great and the good of the brassica worldon 19 January at the Lincolnshire Showground in Lincoln, toidentify the threats and challenges facing the industry, as well as the opportunities.

  • Flower Sprout

    Flower Sprout launches at M&S


    New cross between brussels sprout and kale hits the shelves of Marks & Spencer this week

  • Tenderstem broccoli

    Year of promise for Tenderstem broccoli


    After beating UK sales targets despite difficult conditions in 2009, volumes are predicted to grow by 15 per cent this year