Brassica news archive – Page 29

  • Article

    It’s judgement day for cauliflower industry


    I’m sure I wasn’t the only one watching last week’s pig price demonstration outside Downing Street and

  • Cauliflower growers face crisis

    Cauliflower growers face crisis


    Cauliflower could be in danger of becoming a niche product in the UK as growers are threatening to switch out of the crop.

  • Supply strife on purple-sprouting broccoli

    Supply strife on purple-sprouting broccoli


    Purple sprouting broccoli is suffering from supply problems as the effects of earlier inclement weather take their toll on both UK and Spanish crops.

  • Taiwan

    Taiwan cabbage glut causes prices to tank


    Taiwanese authorities have taken to hoeing cabbage and bok choy crops to help stablise prices after overproduction caused prices there to fall

  • At the heart of UK fresh produce

    At the heart of UK fresh produce


    Spanning five counties in a key production area, the East Midlands is a hub for distribution to retail and catering, a mix of high volume products and forward-thinking entrepreneurs. Ahead of the FPJ Conferences - East Midlands event, Elizabeth O’Keefe reports

  • Article

    Retailers bring new variety to the fruit and veg aisles


    English apples have had an extra boost at Marks & Spencer with an illuminated shelf barker featuring a film strip now playing

  • Article

    Iconic brand is a giant boost for veg sales


    The appearance of the Green Giant - an iconic brand if ever there was one - on fresh vegetables in the UK (p4), is a welcome

  • Growers call for returns to reflect shelf price increases

    Growers call for returns to reflect shelf price increases


    The weather has been no friend of the vegetable industry in recent years. A shortage in the British winter season has driven value upwards, but growers are warning that this is not going to be enough to sustain the industry unless it is reflected in better returns. Elizabeth O’Keefe throws the spotlight on brassicas and the challenges facing the sector

  • Sarah Pettitt

    Pettitt to speak at East Midlands event


    NFU horticultural and potato board chair Sarah Pettitt is the latest to be confirmed for the FPJ Conferences - East Midlands event, to be held at the White Hart, in Lincoln on 17 March.

  • Portugal eyes the UK

    Portugal eyes the UK


    The Portuguese fresh produce industry is stepping up to the challenge of supplying the UK marketplace like never before, despite experiencing major weather disruptions last season. Elizabeth O’Keefe visits vegetable and salad producers in southern Portugal to find out more

  • Article

    Northern Ireland battles conditions


    Northern Irish growers are battling poor weather, water shortages and attacks from pigeons in a nightmare New Year that has left supermarket promotions curtailed.

  • Article

    AV Produce enters administration


    Two of Kent’s leading fresh produce businesses have gone into administration this week.

  • frost damage

    Spanish crops ‘affected by cold weather’


    Associations in Valencia and Murcia say some production has been damaged by low temperatures in Spain

  • Keeley Watson

    The next generation of crop expert


    In the first of a new series of articles exploring the day-to-day working lives of professionals along the fresh produce supply chain, we start at the beginning and spend a day with crop specialist Keely Watson of seed company Elsoms. Elizabeth O’Keefe reports

  • Article

    Snow fails to stop a steady stream of new varieties


    It’s been an interesting exercise to see how the multiples have rearranged their wares in the last week, with fresh

  • Sprout shortage to create Christmas chaos

    Sprout shortage to create Christmas chaos


    With Christmas fast approaching and the traditional dinner being planned, one of the nation’s favourite vegetables faces a race against time to grace this yearʼs plate.

  • Winter warmers

    Winter warmers


    Britain’s food garden blooms during the chilly winter months with high quality and availability of winter veg. But with largely flat sales over the past year, Doris Lee Butterworth weighs up the prospects for a better season ahead

  • Article

    Colder nights bring more winter veg to the fore


    I get the feeling that most retailers are devoting more space to winter vegetables as temperatures fall. Good news, of course,

  • Article

    Consumers are still no closer to getting 5 a day


    Everyone readily accepts that fruit and vegetables are good for you. Apart from being part of the diet since mankind arrived

  • Producers expect a merry Christmas

    Producers expect a merry Christmas


    Key lines such as Brussels sprouts, nuts and dates are never far away from any Brit’s Christmas plate, and producers are upbeat that nothing can stand in the way of another successful festive season. Doris Lee Butterworth reports