Brassica news archive – Page 26
Growing for tomorrow
The skills needed to be a successful grower extend far beyond making crops flourish. Chloe Ryan asks leading British growers what it takes to come out on top in today’s challenging environment
Brassica packers in hospital after 'leak'
A suspected carbon monoxide poisoning incident has forced 17 workers at Riviera Produce’s Connor Downs brassica packhouse in Cornwall to be admitted to hospital.
Hayley Campbell-Gibbons: Should the supply chain stress over drought?
It is now virtually inevitable that drought stress will be seen in 2012, but could a knee-jerk reaction from retail buyers seeking to secure supply end up causing more disruption to supply than the drought itself, asks chief horticultural adviser Hayley Campbell-Gibbons
Drought fears for Lincolnshire brassicas
Drought conditions in some brassica production areas in Lincolnshire are already leading some buyers to hedge their bets and place orders elsewhere for summer supplies of broccoli and cauliflower.
Producing the successful varieties of tomorrow will take more than just money
With not much spare cash floating around at present, the news that the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Brassica Growers' Association elects chairman
The Brassica Growers’ Association has chosen Matthew Rawson as its new Chairman.
SEF hires new head of farming
South England Farms has appointed Gordon Stokes as its head of farming.
Fresh thinking
Changes are afoot at Produce World, where new ways of thinking and a focus on innovation are driving the business forward. Michael Barker visited the company to meet the senior team and find out more
Warning to brassica growers over virus
A virus with little or no noticeable symptoms that significantly reduces brassica yields has been put under the spotlight at the Brassica Growers Association conference.
Profit and research fears prompt collaboration calls
There are growing calls for unprecedented levels of collaboration within the industry to solve the problem of dwindling profitability and address fears over the lack of research funding.
Change is on the cards
On first appearances the vegetable market seems to be stable with a minor decline in volume and a slight rise in value, but change may be bubbling under the surface
New ranges aplenty as stores differentiate
The drive by the multiples to portray even the most humble vegetables as something different - and in so doing elevate their
Blow to GM as BASF pulls research base out of Europe
BASF is moving its Plant Science base out of Germany to the US due to “a lack of acceptance” for GM technology in many parts of Europe.
Where’s the funding?
It’s a common question that abounds throughout fresh produce industry conferences and meetings. But is it as bad as some make out? Elizabeth O’Keefe looks at where funding is going in horticulture
Pledging to raise more issues on your behalf, challenge injustices and lobby government
The anticipation at the start of a new year is undiminished as we plough headlong into 2012. The madness of Christmas is over,
Brassica Growers' conference dates announced
The Brassica Growers' Biennial Conference and Trade Exhibition has been arranged to conveniently precede January's LAMMA conference in Lincolnshire.
Potatoes could reach stores in record time
The UK’s potato crop could be in store in record time next year, farm business consultants Andersons has predicted in its outlook for 2012.
SEF expands product line and cuts costs
Southern England Farms (SEF) is set for a major expansion into peas, sweetcorn and asparagus as it continues to diversify its product portfolio.
Variety is the spice of the Christmas aisle
Soft citrus, pineapples, dates, nuts and cranberries are historically an integral part of Christmas fare, with Tesco adding a
TV farmer turns cameras on brassica supplier
TV farmer and foodie Jimmy Doherty has spent the day at Lincolnshire brassica supplier TH Clements for his new programme Jimmy’s Grow Your Own Christmas.