Berries news archive – Page 197

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    Spanish cherry deal signed and sealed


    Marketing agreement formed between Agrupacion de Co-operatives-Valle del Jerte and Redbridge Holdings, confirming Redbridge Produce Marketing & AFI Direct Sales as the sole UK representatives for the co-operatives's exports of Picota cherries, stemmed cherries and berry fruits.

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    Cold snap slows strawberries


    Cool weather and rainy spells are threatening availability of strawberries from Spain for the peak Easter market.

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    New grape hope


    Chile is embarking on a quest for an indigenous grape variety

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    BerryWorld on the Food Trak


    Food Trak, the electronic traceability specialists, is to install a ground-breaking package for BerryWorld.

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    Chile starts Royal Gala harvest


    With the arrival of summer in Chile, apple and pear harvests are starting and grapes reach the mid-point in their season.

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    Spanish strawberry delay


    Cold weather postpones onset of the Spanish strawberry season by two weeks. First arrivals are now scheduled for the second or third week in February.

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    Manning calls on sector to become more efficient


    At the launch of this year's Chilean fresh fruit season, Roger Manning, director general of the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association ö Europe, urged all in the fresh produce to make better use of their resources.

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    Soft fruit sector hears positive forecast


    Nicholas Marston, md of Kentish Garden presents good prospects for the soft fruit industry at industry conference in Ashford.

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    Maff disputes strawberry blackspot claims


    Maff's Plant Health Division disputes claims from the that it has allowed blackspot-infected plants to be sold and distributed under licence.

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    Alconera UK speaks of first-year progress


    Bill Ashby, managing director of Alconera UK, speaks to about the company's progress to date.

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    Warm reception for coolchain meeting


    Transfrigoroute's agm was held, with an address by outgoing president Tim Wilkins, and presentations on key subject areas in the industry.