Berries news archive – Page 185

  • Supersize this

    Sainsbury’s supersizes superfood


    Sainsbury’s will this week introduce a giant blueberry, sourced from New Zealand, into its berry category.

  • The new glory days

    The new glory days


    In its heyday, the historic wholesale market at Borough in London was a hive of activity with over 250 wholesale companies in operation. Though the glory days of wholesaling have since disappeared, the seven remaining companies and the retail market, which opened in 1998, are now enjoying the buzz of national and international recognition, recently crowned with the best market award from the Observer Food magazine, writes Anabella de Sousa.

  • Egyptian expansion

    Egyptian expansion


    Foreign investment is the driving force behind the massive growth in the Egyptian soft-fruit and citrus sectors, reports Jessica Purbrick-Herbst.

  • Article

    Cross words from East Malling


    East Malling Research's Jerry Cross calls for action on pesticides-residue scare stories.

  • Californians support Albion

    Californians support Albion


    Californian strawberry growers are already taking a fancy to a new variety called Albion.

  • South Africa late, but great

    South Africa late, but great


    The South African grape season has been delayed by between 10 days and two weeks, but a high quality crop is now arriving in a strong UK market in reasonable volumes. While some producers and exporters are concerned that the delay means fruit that was earmarked for the attractive pre-Christmas slot will now be pushed back to the January sales window, the outlook for the remainder of the season is very bright. Tommy Leighton reports.

  • Huelva leaves raspberry gap

    Huelva leaves raspberry gap


    Expected early volumes of raspberries from Huelva have not materialised leaving the market short of fruit.

  • Blueberry explosion just the beginning

    Blueberry explosion just the beginning


    Although Chilean blueberry exports have exploded in the last three seasons, jumping from 3.2 million cases in 2001/2002 to 5.3m cases in 2003/2004, industry leaders told the Journal this is just the beginning.

  • BerryWorld revellers

    BerryWorld clocks up 10 years


    BerryWorld celebrated its 10th anniversary at Brocket Hall, Herts last week with guests from around the world.

  • Article

    Olins strikes back


    Laurence Olins of British Summer Fruits has hit back following the “berry barons” slur in last week’s edition of The Money Programme broadcast on BBC2 on November 10.

  • New health claims for cranberries

    New health claims for cranberries


    Cranberries have added yet another string to their health bow with the results of a new study by Canadian scientists.

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    Genetic map for strawberry


    Horticultural scientists have produced the world’s first molecular map for wild strawberry.

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    Berry tag set to stand test of time


    If nothing else is remembered about The Money Programme’s excursion into UK strawberry fields last week, I have a

  • Article

    Actions do speak louder than words


    Turn your back for two weeks and all hell breaks loose. I too was “researched” by The Money Programme - I promise

  • Karsten and Capespan settle out of court

    Karsten and Capespan settle out of court


    South African grape exporter Capespan Grapes and grower Karsten Farms have reached a settlement to resolve a contractual dispute over marketing and trading rights to UK customers.

  • Article

    Soft-fruit prices high


    A late start to the Spanish raspberry season has left a gap in the market and is sending prices sky high while strawberries also suffer a blip in availability.

  • "Berry barons" under attack

    "Berry barons" under attack


    The soft-fruit sector found itself under attack last night from BBC2’s The Money Programme, with major growers branded as “berry barons”.

  • More pesticide options

    More pesticide options


    A new move by the Pesticide Safety Directorate (PSD) could provide farmers and growers with more pesticide options on minor crops, according to the NFU.

  • Berryworld and Poupart skip ahead

    Berryworld and Poupart skip ahead


    School children are to be introduced to the dual delights of skipping and blueberries, thanks to Berryworld and Poupart.

  • Poles apart

    Poles apart


    Of the 10 new member states that acceded to the EU in May, Poland is the fresh produce industry’s biggest player and best placed to take advantage of the opportunities in a marketplace expanded to 25 nations. The country’s exporters have already established a foothold in western Europe, but how quickly can they become a major player? Tony Leighton reports.