Berries news archive – Page 183

  • Vicky Knight

    Knight rides to raspberry rescue


    EMR is planning to release three new summer fruiting raspberries according to raspberry breeder Vicky Knight.

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    US strawberries hit by frost


    US farmers have fallen foul of bad weather, with a recent freeze damaging strawberries and some of the apple crop in the central New York area.

  • Best of the rest

    Best of the rest


    Foods from Spain’s promotional campaign in the UK focuses on the products and regions that are covered earlier in this supplement. But there is much more besides and here is a round-up of the best of the rest.

  • Poland - one year on

    Poland - one year on


    When 10 new countries from Eastern Europe joined the European Union last year, the horticultural world was awash with predictions about which of them would make an instant impact and how long it would be before the accession nations really stamped their mark on the EU marketplace. Poland had the most to gain, and therefore also to lose, and a little over one year down the track, Tommy Leighton charts progress to date, and asks key players whether their outlooks have been altered.

  • Abdul Rahman Raouf

    Egypt jostles for leading position


    Expansion is a priority for leading Egyptian producers and many are firing on all cylinders to stay at the top. Doris Lee Butterworth finds out more.

  • Spanish berries under attack

    Spanish berries under attack


    Spanish strawberry growers federation Freshuelva is warning that unfair competition with Morocco and China has placed Spanish production under serious threat.

  • Spanish raspberries to last longer

    Spanish raspberries to last longer


    Raspberries from Huelva appear to be recovering from a rocky start to their season.

  • First English raspberries arrive

    First English raspberries arrive


    The first English raspberries are coming on stream thanks to pioneering work by Chris Tirrell, a KG grower.

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    Trap developed for strawberry pest


    Scientists have developed a special trap to tackle a persistent pest to strawberry crops.

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    EMR unveils three new berries


    Three new strawberry varieties from the breeding programme at East Malling Research (EMR) have been named.

  • Brian Chapman

    Chapmans chops out the chore


    In the latest of our series of articles on the winners of Re:fresh Awards in 2004, Ed Bedington visits Portadown independent retailer Chapmans.

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    Fruit fly eradicated by California


    The US Department of Agriculture has announced the eradication of the Oriental fruit fly in Orange County, California.

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    Supermarkets running berry short


    Despite being prioritised above other European customers, the UK supermarkets are running short of soft fruit.

  • Raspberries hit hardest

    Raspberries hit hardest


    Raspberries have been the worst hit of all soft fruit in Spain following recent frosts and low temperatures.

  • Brazilian superfruit hits the UK

    Brazilian superfruit hits the UK


    An importer is hoping to introduce the UK to a new super fruit from Brazil.

  • UK still satsuma saviour

    UK still satsuma saviour


    Satsumas have been the focus of much attention in recent months following the Save Our Satsumas campaign launched by Tesco and its category supplier Muñoz Mehadrin UK in April last year. The UK has become the principal market for the fruit but with an alleged increasing preference across Europe for less seedy, stronger tasting clementines, satsumas were rumoured to be facing possible extinction. Elspeth Waters reports.

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    Greece aims for early strawberries


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: Greece is planning to introduce the Ventana strawberry, a red, sweet variety that can be harvested as early as January.

  • Wilson whistles for blueberries

    Wilson whistles for blueberries


    Carl Wilson of Hargreaves Plants told delegates at last week’s U40s Conference that investing in blueberry production could be very lucrative for the UK marketplace.

  • Peter Vinson

    Vinson rewarded for berry dedication


    A leading fruit grower has been honoured for his years of dedication to the top and soft fruit industries.

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    Berryman back in the family


    David Berryman Ltd, one of the UK’s leading blenders and suppliers of fruit juices and fruit-based ingredients is now back in family hands following the completion of talks to buy the company back from venture capitalists group 3i.