Banana news archive – Page 150

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    Coffee challenges fruit and veg


    Fruit and veg is facing a fresh challenge to its health crown - this time from coffee.

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    Costa Rican slip in banana exports


    Costa Rican banana exports declined during the first semester of the year, Corbana reports.

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    Banana campaigners target carnival


    Caribbean banana campaigners are set to join forces aboard floats at the Notting Hill Carnival this weekend.

  • Adding value to avocados

    Adding value to avocados


    Innovation is key for any category if it wants to adapt and expand into the future, but while most categories wait until they are mature before looking to innovation, the avocado sector has stolen a march. Ed Bedington reports.

  • Organic growth driven by fruit and veg

    Organic growth driven by fruit and veg


    Fruit and vegetables are dominating the European scene when it comes to organics, while exotic and tropical organic fruit are tipped to be the stars of the future, according to a new report

  • FPC to revisit promotional campaign

    FPC to revisit promotional campaign


    Following the Defra bombshell that fruit and veg consumption was falling, fresh produce leaders are rallying in a bid to tackle the issue.

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    Batting for the right side


    I have to be honest this week and say that keeping fully focused between trips to Edgbaston and Old Trafford for the Ashes

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    Banana negotiations kick off


    The European Union has begun conversations with nine Latin American banana-producing nations to thrash out a new proposal on its import regime by next month.

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    Survey reveal's Chiquta's brand strength


    Banana giant Chiquita is celebrating after being ranked fifth in a US survey on brand equity.

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    Supermarkets criticised in Dispatches


    Supermarket practices came under heavy fire from UK terrestrial TV station Channel 4 this week.

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    Alliance attacks OFT decision


    The Office of Fair Trading’s ruling on the supermarket code of conduct has been described as a “failure to regulate” by the Breaking the Armlock Alliance.

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    Consult and be ignored


    One consultation period ends and another begins. And if you are a hacked off banana trader this week, do not read the

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    Banana decision a boost for Latin America


    While the ACP countries have been left reeling by the recent WTO decision, Latin American producers are pleased with the outcome.

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    ACP disappointed with WTO decision


    Caribbean banana producers have expressed disappointment with the WTO decision to side with Latin American producers.

  • WTO backs Latin America in banana dispute

    WTO backs Latin America in banana dispute


    World trade bosses have backed Latin American producers in the dispute over European Union plans to overhaul its banana import tariffs.

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    Shifting the emphasis


    Shifts in global production and consumption patterns will continue, fuelling a need for new levels of innovation in production and marketing, writes John Giles, divisional director, Promar International.

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    WTO verdict on bananas due


    The banana sector is expecting the long-awaited verdict from the World Trade Organisation today on the overhaul of the rules on importing bananas into the EU.

  • Exchange rate pressure bites

    Exchange rate pressure bites


    Zespri is under pressure this season as the appreciation of the New Zealand dollar takes its toll on grower returns and market pressure builds.

  • Relocation, relocation, relocation

    Relocation, relocation, relocation


    The horticulture wholesale market has been a fixture of Birmingham for 30 years and few could deny it has served the city well. But as modern life continues to blossom left, right and centre, some say the city-centre’s development is being held back by its presence, while the market itself has seen better days. However, with tenants’ leases set to expire in 2009 most are starting to ask themselves if it is a question of ‘make do and mend’ or time to be moving on. Elspeth Waters reports.

  • Shifting the emphasis

    Shifting the emphasis


    Shifts in global production and consumption patterns will continue, fuelling a need for new levels of innovation in production and marketing, writes John Giles, divisional director, Promar International.