Banana news archive – Page 116

  • Article

    Demonising imports cannot bear fruit


    The launch of Eat Seasonably, which fresh produce pundit Gregg Wallace unveiled at the Re:fresh Conference, has managed to

  • Winwards bananas

    Windward Bananas in name change


    The group has changed to Winfresh (UK) Limited to bring it in line with proposed growth into other produce categories

  • Dole

    Dole operations unaffected by quake


    The Honduran earthquake that forced the closure of the Puerto Cortes port has not affected the company's banana exports


    ACP seeks EU banana compensation


    Producers in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries are looking for a financial aid package to soften the blow of a possible deal between the EU and Latin American banana suppliers

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    Caribbeans ramp up banana pressure on EU


    Caribbean Community (Caricom) trade ministers have expressed their dismay at the latest set of proposals from the European Union for new banana-import tariff measures.

  • Striking a fair deal

    Striking a fair deal


    In the final part of our series on the Fairtrade supply chain, FPJ examines what is happening at retail level and what this means for the ethical brand.

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    When is a tomato not just a tomato?


    Why is it that some fruit and vegetables always seem to attract a political agenda, as opposed to a promotional one? The

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    Jamaica Producers back in the black


    Jamaican fresh produce business Jamaica Producers has returned to profit.

  • FPC delegates at the port

    Railfreight remains viable


    Railfreight is a viable option for the produce sector, but time-efficiency must come first if it is to succeed, concluded members of the industry this week.

  • Ainsley Harriott goes bananas

    Fruity Friday record breaker


    People throughout the UK helped raise awareness about a healthy diet as well as money for the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) by taking part in Fruity Friday on May 15 as the fund estimates that fundraising this year will break previous records for the event.

  • Geoff Chappell, third from left, with colleague David Maris, left, and families, at the launch of Fairtrade Fortnight

    Commitment from the UK


    The second of FPJ’s three-part series on the Fairtrade supply chain turns the spotlight on ethical suppliers and what their offer has meant for the UK market.

  • Are shoppers struggling to get their 5 A DAY?

    5 A DAY in price pressure


    The world Cancer Research Fund is countering claims that credit-crunched consumers can no longer afford to eat their 5 A DAY with penny-pinching menu suggestions.

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    No results at banana talks


    Despite high hopes at trade talks last week between Andean Pact countries and the EU, a new lower banana entry tariff has not been agreed.

  • Top-fruit sector deals with tricky transition

    Top-fruit sector deals with tricky transition


    As the top-fruit sector makes the tricky transition from northern to southern hemisphere supplies, the next quarter could prove difficult for the industry as southern hemisphere producers deal with an overhang of European product. Alex Lawson reports

  • Tesco renews banana worker efforts

    Tesco renews banana worker efforts


    Tesco is renewing its efforts to improve conditions in its banana and pineapple supply chains both into the UK and into other importing countries after consultation with NGO Banana Link.

  • Colombian banana workers strike

    Colombian banana workers strike


    Colombian banana workers are on strike over pay and conditions in the country’s key growing regions, causing importers to look for alternative sources.

  • Fruit juice shown to boost health

    Fruit juice shown to boost health


    A US study has shown that a glass of 100 per cent fruit juice every day can protect against stroke, heart disease and diabetes, as well as aid weight loss.

  • Dole

    Doubt surrounds pesticide claims


    The lawsuits of two alleged victims of a banned pesticide used by Dole have been thrown out after plaintiffs claimed they were recruited

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    Now not the time to discount banana trade


    With retailers pushing discount brands during the economic slowdown, life has become more challenging for banana companies

  • Seeking neutrality

    Seeking neutrality


    The ‘banana wars’ have long dogged the import industry into the EU, with Latin America at the heart of the debate. Costa Rica, the world’s third-largest banana exporter, is taking considerable steps to improve its position in the export market, implement biological control and achieve its ambitious plans to become carbon neutral. Alex Lawson reports from the country.