Banana news archive – Page 113

  • India mangoes

    Gujarat moves to mangoes


    Farmers in the Indian state of Gujarat are shifting production to mangoes in response to water shortages

  • Post-harvest know-how

    Post-harvest know-how


    Chelmsford-based Writtle College is one of the country’s most famous and well-respected colleges for horticultural science, technology and research. Laura Gould visited the institution’s post-harvest department to find out more about the wealth of opportunities on offer for the unit’s students and researchers alike

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    New import controls on Thai, Turkish and Dom Rep lines


    New EU import controls for high-risk products, including bananas and mangoes from the Dominican Republic and some vegetables from Thailand, come into force on January 25 next year.

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    Dole goes public in $500m move


    Dole Food Company Inc has announced that it has filed for registration with the US Securities and Exchange Commission to offer shares of its common stock publicly to raise up to $500 million (£306.8m) through an initial public offering.

  • bananas2

    Japan grabs Philippine banana supplies


    Philippine banana exports are tracking slightly lower than last year, with available supplies shuffled to Japan

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    Chiquita plays down supply worries


    Banana supplier Chiquita has reported it expects an uninterrupted supply of bananas despite the liquidation of Eastwind, which handled four of its ships.

  • Philippines bananas

    Philippine banana exports set to climb


    Overall value of exports is expected to increase to US$828m this year, according to a newly-released forecast

  • Outspan launches two new drinks

    Outspan launches two new drinks


    The Outspan range of drinks from Aimia Foods has expanded its offer with a new range of smoothies and a new drink, Juice Splash.

  • Philippines banana inspection

    Philippine bananas near US access


    Philippine bananas are a step closer to the US market after the USDA released an import risk analysis

  • Chiquita Dole logos

    Dole and Chiquita in Angolan talks


    Companies have met with Angolan officials to discuss agricultural partnerships backed by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

  • Top-fruit sector pensive ahead of bumper UK crop

    Top-fruit sector pensive ahead of bumper UK crop


    With top-fruit consumption on its traditional summer wane, the industry will be buoyed by the prospect of a particularly promising UK crop to kick start autumn and lift what has been a frustratingly stable market for suppliers and retailers alike. Alex Lawson reports.

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    Chiquita enjoys 'best quarterly results' for decade


    Chiquita Brands International, Inc has reported strong second-quarter results for 2009.

  • Dole

    Dole goes 'Bananas!' over documentary


    The US fresh produce giant is suing Swedish film makers over a documentary regarding a Nicaraguan workers' lawsuit against the company

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    Ecuador to ‘resume’ banana talks


    According to reports in Ecuador, the country is ready to re-enter talks with the EU over the reduction of the latter’s banana tariff

  • Spanish fires

    La Palma fires hit banana plantation


    Wildfires damage a small banana plantation on the Spanish island of La Palma, although most producers are said to be unaffected

  • Philippines banana inspection

    Philippines works on banana export increase


    President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has said that the government is working on better market access for bananas in the US

  • All eyes on the Western front

    All eyes on the Western front


    When FPJ visited the brand-new Western International site on the first day of trading last year, there was a mixed reaction to the relocation and a row over the timing of the move cast a pall over what should have been a positive day. But 12 months on, traders are settling into their new home and tackling the recession head on, as Laura Gould finds out.

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    UK growers put on a good show, as brands pick up


    Shelves continue to burst with summer fruit at present and full marks to English cherry growers for putting up some really

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    Fair Trade Fair back this autumn


    The European Fair Trade Fair will be held this October in Lyon, France, as the importance of the sector continues to grow

  • Del Monte records strong sales

    Del Monte records strong sales


    Fresh Del Monte Produce has reported better-than-expected second-quarter profits after a boost in pineapple sales and strong banana prices.