Avocado news – Page 99

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    Another new year, another chance to shine


    There is every indication this week that with the New Year celebrations swiftly over, the high street retailers are back in

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    California freeze creates opportunity


    A devastating freeze in California has obliterated at least half of the citrus crop remaining on trees and opened up opportunities for Spanish senders.

  • Chilean avos feel US heat

    Chilean avos feel US heat


    A prolonged Californian season and increased access for Mexican producers has been making life difficult for Chilean avocado growers in the US, but their European campaign is topping last year’s high.

  • Chileans out in force at Fruit Logistica

    Chileans out in force at Fruit Logistica


    The Chilean contingency at this year’s Fruit Logistica is set to be bigger than ever, incorporating comfortable meeting facilities, a special section for avocado exporters and a former chef from the Chilean embassy in Germany.

  • Israeli avocado boom

    Israeli avocado boom


    Israel’s total avocado yield this year will reach nearly 90,000 tonnes, compared with 40,000t last year.

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    Hass passion will travel to spread avo love


    Earlier this year, Adolfo Ochagavia was appointed president of the Chilean Hass Avocado Association. He talks to Elspeth Waters about his new role, how Chilean avos conquered the UK last year and what’s in store this time around as a new hot dog craze could be set to jazz up fast food menus.

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    Exotic view from the tropics


    After sitting on a tropical beach amongst palm trees last week, I returned to read the latest statistical performance in FPJ

  • Marc Tielens

    SmartFresh goes bananas


    Bananas are next in line for the SmartFresh treatment.

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    Just sometimes, tthe old ones really are the best


    Maybe it is because the weather is getting colder, but potatoes seem to be gaining more shelf space. There are certainly

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    Selling sustainability in an attractive fashion


    Nico Roozen, director of Dutch development organisation Solidaridad, pioneered the concept of Fairtrade. To mark the 10th anniversary of the first Fairtrade banana export to the UK this month, he talks to Elspeth Waters about his future expectations.

  • Avo brotherhood reunited

    Avo brotherhood reunited


    The Avocado Brotherhood - an ever-increasing assembly of suppliers, retailers and food writers united by their love of the fruit - held its second annual reunion at one of London’s top restaurants last week.

  • Red hot winter for Israel

    Red hot winter for Israel


    The UK arms of Israeli exporters are no longer solely handlers of Israeli product, as they respond to the demand for 12-month market presence. But now is the time to talk about their home-grown crop and Kathy Hammond finds out what the UK market can expect.

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    What’s in a name? The key to maximum sales performance


    My tour round the branches this week brought home the fact that there are not only new products coming on the shelf, but also

  • Fyffes in major Scots commitment

    Fyffes in major Scots commitment


    Fyffes’s Edinburgh operations are set to benefit from a huge investment and major relocation programme.

  • Chile builds on avo presence

    Chile builds on avo presence


    The largest-ever volumes of Chilean avocados are earmarked for the UK this season. And the Chilean Hass Avocado Committee (CHAC) has rolled up its sleeves for a strong promotional push. Anna Sbuttoni reports.

  • Southampton awaits Canary Island salads

    Southampton awaits Canary Island salads


    First arrivals of Canary Islands tomatoes are expected into ABP Southampton on October 23.

  • Chile in avo record

    Chile in avo record


    Industry leaders in Chile say the country is set to produce its largest crop of Hass this season.

  • Kenyan passionfruit competes with yellow varieties from Colombia

    Passionfruit opportunity for Kenya


    Focusing on sea freight and EurepGAP could be the answer for Kenya's passionfruit growers.

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    Can retailers always deliver a point of difference?


    Nowadays, supermarkets are more than prepared to introduce their products and growers in far greater detail to the buying

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    Allfresh! gets the message


    One of the key aims of the Allfresh! Conference, at Sun City in South Africa last week, was to provide the production sector with an in-depth view of current influences on consumer choices.