Avocado news – Page 109

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    Grape case accord at last


    Ten years after a damaging poison scare in imported grapes, US authorities have made a first step towards a "definitive solution" with their Chilean counterparts.

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    African avocados on song


    South African avocados have survived the rains so far and are set to start exports at the end of the month.

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    Chilean producers look to grapes


    Frutera Del Norte (FDN), a new group of Chilean producers, is looking to export 1.6 million cartons of table grapes this season.

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    Agrexco goes Ecofresh


    Within one year all fresh produce exported by Agrexco, Israel's leading agricultural export company, will be marketed under its Ecofresh logo.

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    Industry acts to save exotics


    EU pesticide regulations threaten imports of exotic fruits and vegetables