Avocado news – Page 107

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    Da Gama oils SA avocado machine


    The South African avocado industry has an increasingly interesting outlet in the oil field.

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    Avocado campaign hikes summer sales


    The South African Avocado Growers' Association's annual promotional campaign has doubled summer sales of avocado in the last eight years.

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    Get off the bench and make a mark


    The increasing power of the leading retailers is always put firmly in perspective when results time comes around each year.

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    Avocado SAAGA begins


    The start of the 2003 season for South Africa avocados sees the South African Avocado Growers' Association (SAAGA) quietly confident of a strong demand for quality fruit and a slightly smaller crop than 2002.

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    The poor relation of trade shows


    Having circulated around IFE this week I could not escape the feeling that fresh fruit and vegetables have become the poor

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    NZ horticulture diversifying


    Preliminary figures from New Zealand's first agricultural census in eight years show the country's NZ$2billion (£637million) horticulture export industry is growing increasingly diverse as top fruit acreage declines and land given over to kiwifruit remains static.

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    Keevy SAAGA ends


    Chris Keevy has stepped down as ceo of the South Africa Avocado Growers' Association after five successful years at the helm.

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    Sainsbury's barking for health


    Sainsbury's has introduced on-shelf health mesages across its fresh produce department

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    Grapes hold shelf-life key


    Apples and a host of other produce could stay fresher for longer thanks to grapes, recent research has found.

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    Israeli avocado drop


    New season avocados from Carmel Agrexco are now established on the UK market and volumes are likely to be slightly below those of last year, said the exporter.

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    Caribbean dry spell


    Crops in the Caribbean's largest islands are looking for additional moisture this hurricane season, according to reports from US agronomists and meteorologists.

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    SAAGA sees sales boom


    South African avos enjoyed a bumper month in August

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    Greencell vouches for Wholesalers


    Leading importer launches voucher scheme for wholesale customers

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    Multiples post stunning jubilee sales


    Major retailers Tesco and Sainsbury's report booming retail sales of fresh produce as millions celebrated the Queen's jubilee.

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    NZ avocado on the up


    New Zealand's avocado crop set for dramatic growth, according to the US organisation FAS.

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    Avocados target Europe


    The Kenyan Avocado Committee is targeting Europe this season as it aims to be the preferred source during the continent's summer.

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    Agrexco season in good health


    Agrexco's mid-season round-up on potatoes, capsicum, tomatoes, avocados and melons shows healthy figures for the Israeli exporter's UK office.

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    Avocados on the rise


    Production increases in avocado producing countries around the world are stimulating exports in the 2001-02 season.

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    Kids' diet falls short


    A report from the Cancer Research Campaign and retailer Iceland finds teenagers eat far too little fresh produce.

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    Argentinean alternatives


    Avocados could be a viable alternative crop for citrus growers in Argentina's lemon growing region of Tucumán.