All articles by Alex Lawson – Page 197

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    Musgrave lands Tesco director


    Musgrave Retail Partners GB has appointed Willie Hamilton to the position of trading director.

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    Andalusian early potatoes dominate Spanish market


    The Andalusia early potato sector has claimed three-quarters of the Spanish market and continues to grow, it emerged at a congress of the industry in Seville.

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    New study gives almond health boost


    Eating almonds may well support a healthy diet, according to a new study in an American journal.

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    New campaign to prevent farm deaths


    A safety campaign launched by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) with the aim of preventing deaths and serious injuries on farms will benefit everyone connected with the industry, especially farming families, the NFU said today.

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    Fruit and veg can prevent breast cancer recurrence


    Breast cancer survivors who consume fresh fruit and vegetables can cut their chances of a tumour relapse by up to a third, a study revealed.

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    Food chief recognised in New Year's Honours


    Professor Colin Dennis, Director-General of Campden BRI, has been awarded a CBE in the New Year's Honours list, for services to the agri-food industry.

  • Chilean avocados have suffered from the abnormally low temperatures

    Chilean avocados take a plunge


    The Chilean Hass Avocado Association has had to drastically cut its production forecast for the 2008/09 season, following an audit of avocado groves in Chile.

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    Organic rules to remain strict


    Soil Association Food & Farming Director, Helen Browning has reacted angrily to suggestions organic farmers may be allowed to bend production rules in an attempt to counter the economic downturn.

  • Morrisons has announced its new bid for a quid in the price war

    Supermarkets step into pound land


    Morrisons, Sainsbury's and Tesco are to follow Asda into pound land and slash prices on fresh produce in a bid to regain custom from discounters.

  • Select Lincolnshire aim for 'wow' factor

    Select Lincolnshire heads south


    One of the UK’s largest potato producers Select Lincolnshire is set to appear at the International Food Exhibition (IFE) 2009 in London in March.

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    Eversheds offers business tips


    Legal giant Eversheds has offered some tips to businesses to help manage, and protect themselves from, risk in the recession.

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    Security key to safe transportation


    Security is becoming a major issue for companies involved in road haulage, according to delivery specialist Krone.

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    Farmers urged to plan carefully


    Poor weather, rash government spending and a volatile world market have hit farmers hard and given them severe reasons to plan ahead, according to environmental consultancy ADAS.

  • M&S food buoyant despite slump

    M&S food buoyant despite slump


    Marks & Spencer has benefited from festive food treats, with consumers trading up to premium ranges, but the retailer is still expected to report its worst Christmas since its inception.

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    New pomegranate extends season


    The development of a new variety which could extend the pomegranate season considerably is to be unveiled at the annual international agricultural exhibition Agro Mashov in Israel.

  • The Fresh Produce Consortium believe the new laws could have a huge affect on UK output

    FPC makes final bid in EU row


    The Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) is making a final bid to garner support in its battle to prevent plans to restrict crop protection products.

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    Leading laboratory set for Kent


    One of Europe's leading independent laboratories, with an international reputation for high quality analysis, support and advice in food, it to relocate to Kent Science Park.

  • Sharpak's new innovative production line

    New 'superclean' food technology


    A new innovation allowing 100 per cent recycled materials to be used for food trays is being rolled out commercially for the first time.

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    Welsh produce "sidelined"


    Welsh horticulture is being “sidelined” and shunned by promoters, according to fruit growers.

  • Kendall: concerned

    Domestic output "could plummet" in 2009


    The farming industry faces a “real risk” of a plummet in domestic output in the coming year, according to National Farmers’ Union (NFU) president Peter Kendall.