Teacrate is launching a new initiative, Teacrate Food, to bring its container management system to the food processing industry.

The food industry has recognised the benefits of using plastic containers as an alternative to cardboard packaging. Teacrate containers will be easier to handle, provide better protection for the contents and are more hygienic.

Teacrate Food's commercial development manager Beren Money said: 'It's not uncommon for customers to be faced with additional washing and dehiring charges, over and above the agreed rental price. Teacrate has a simple all inclusive rental scheme, which means our customer knows exactly where they stand.' Customer can log onto 'Cratelink' Teacrate's on-line crate management system. This enables them to keep track of the number of crates they have on hire, where they are on the system – on site, in transit or at one of Teacrate's six regional washing centres.