Climate changes look likely to see UK people living in continental conditions.

The rise in both temperature and sea levels mean by the year 2080 Londoners could have the climate of Bordeaux and the flood fears of Holland.

These findings come as a result of a report by the Met Office's UK climate impacts programme, which models what would happen if the nation continues to pump out the chemicals blamed for global warming.

The environment secretary, Margaret Beckett, said the report showed that while some pollution is inevitable because of damages already caused, our present behaviour could make a world of difference towards the end of the century.

Professor Mike Hulme, from the University of East Anglia, said: 'By the 2080s, under a low-emissions scenario, the climate of the Thames Valley would equate to Normandy, under a medium-emissions scenario to the Loire Valley, and under a high-emissions scenario to south-west France around Bordeaux.'